Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Gender Roles Of Women s Literature - 1661 Words
The way in which gender roles are portrayed in children’s literature significantly contributes to the development of our youth’s understanding of their own gender’s role and how they are perceived by society. It is important for children to understand gender roles because gender roles are an essential cog in the perpetual machine that develops our society, but these cogs have been replaced with newer, more up-to-date cogs over recent years, so to speak. As society has changed, so has the typical role that each gender plays in it, namely women. As feministic movements have gained more and more traction in recent years, there’s been a shift in the roles and expectations placed on women. Today, more and more women are going to college,†¦show more content†¦This holds true for young men as well, whereas if a boy is constantly reading about being strong, adventurous, independent, and tough, he will assume that is what is expected of him as well. Tradit ional roles in young adult or children’s literature would be roles that often times could be perceived as gender stereotypes, and these stereotypes frequently reflect what is thought of as â€Å"the norm†. A stereotype is defined by Merriam-Webster as â€Å"something conforming to a fixed or general pattern; especially: a standardized mental picture that is held in common by members of a group and that represents an oversimplified opinion, prejudiced attitude, or uncritical judgment†(Stereotype- Definition of Stereotype by Merriam-Webster). However, stereotypes aren’t always a bad thing. In some sense, stereotypes are able to provide a sense of order and predictability, and in the purest sense of the word, they simply are just reflections of societal patterns that have been observed for decades. In literature, traditional gender roles tend to conform to what is the prototypical perception of each gender, reflecting and following the guidelines set by so ciety. However, as time goes on, these perceptions can become inaccurate, whether it’s from social progression or a change in traditional ideals. This is why consistently exposing children and young adults to stereotypical roles in literature can result in theShow MoreRelatedGender As A Man And The Role Of A Woman932 Words  | 4 Pages Many people define gender as the range of characteristics pertaining to, and differentiating between, masculinity and femininity. In modern and traditional society, gender is used to teach the â€Å"role of a man and the role of a woman†. The role of gender in adolescent literature dates back to the first kind of literature for children, oral folk tales. On the beaches of Greece, Homer told the tale of Odysseus. A Greek king, who was strong, fearless and wise; whom traveled great lands and fought manyRead MoreThe Portrayal Of Children s Books918 Words  | 4 Pagesmedia – including books. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
Evaluation Of A Project Report On Perception Error
a project report ON PERCEPTION ERROR IN RECRUITMENT PROCESS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT FOR THE REQUIREMENT OF THE AWARD FOR THE DEGREE OF B. COM (HONS) Under Guidance of: SUBMITTED BY: MS.SABEEHA FATMA PANKHURI SRIVASTAVA BCOM(H.) I SEM Roll No-A7004614080 Amity University, Malhaur Gomti Nagar Extension, Lucknow Acknowledgement This project report would not have been possible without the support and guidance of my teacher. I would express my heart-felt gratitude towards and, without whose guidance and support, I would not have been able to understand the objective of the project and this project would not have been complete. She has been really understanding and supportive in explaining all the details with patience. I would express my gratitude towards her for taking time out of her schedule to guide me during the report. TABLE OF CONTENTS ïÆ'Ëœ INTRODUCTION †¢ PERCEPTION †¢ COMPONENTS OF PERCEPTION †¢ NATURE AND FEATURES OF PERCEPTION †¢ PROCESS OF PERCEPTION †¢ PERCEPTION OUTPUT ïÆ'Ëœ PERCEPTION ERROR IN RECRUITMENT PROCESS †¢ MEANING OF PERCEPTION ERROR †¢ TYPES OF PERCEPTION ERROR †¢ EXAMPLES †¢ CORRECT OR AVOID ERROR ïÆ'Ëœ OBJECTIVES OF RESEARCH ïÆ'Ëœ IDENTIFICATION OF RESEARCH ïÆ'Ëœ EXPEXTEDIMPACT ON ACADEMIC/INDUSTRY ïÆ'Ëœ RESEARCHShow MoreRelatedEvaluation Of A Project Report On Perception Error3545 Words  | 15 PagesA project report ON PERCEPTION ERROR IN RECRUITMENT PROCESS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT FOR THE REQUIREMENT OF THE AWARD FOR THE DEGREE OF B. COM (HONS) Under Guidance of: SUBMITTED BY: MS.SABEEHA FATMA PANKHURI SRIVASTAVA BCOM(H.) 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Teacher and Confucius Free Essays
Confucius What kind of person was Confucius in everyday life? Focus on the following: his clothing and diet, his possessions, his pastimes, the company he kept, and anything else that is relevant. In everyday life Confucius was a relaxed and cheerful man who was constantly in search of new knowledge. He studied the Chinese Classics mainly focusing on the Books of Odes, History and Rites. We will write a custom essay sample on Teacher and Confucius or any similar topic only for you Order Now In his spare time, however, he liked to relax in his manor. He was very picky with the people he chose to keep around. They had to love strategy and the possible success you could get from it. He taught culture, conduct, conscientiousness and good faith and was also picky about who he let in to his school. They had to be modest and willing to listen because he didn’t repeat lessons. He loved music. He would sing in the company of those who were singing. When passing through Ch’I he heard their music and said, â€Å"I did not imagine that music had reached such perfection. †(Confucius 35). This having been said he also traveled with his students and neglected his family duty. Once when his son saw him in passing and Confucius asked him if he had â€Å"Studied the Odes? (Confucius 102) His son said no so Confucius told him that he would have nothing to use in conversation. So his son left determined to study the book of Odes. On a different day his son saw him again and a similar thing happened only this time Confucius asked about the Rules of Ceremony. The result was exactly the same as the first time. This goes to prove that those who can teach donâ €™t always put their own teachings in to practice. Why is Volume One, Book Two entitled â€Å"Concerning Government†but barely mentions government? Hint: the contents of Book Seven may assist you in answering this question. You can’t teach someone how to run a government but you can teach them how to be a better person in hope that they will be able to better govern the country. One must correct themselves before they try to correct others. This is exactly why Volume One, Book Two says little about government and a lot on how to be a better person. Confucius said â€Å"If a man put himself aright, what difficulty will he have in the public service; but if he cannot put himself aright, how is he going to put others right? (Confucius 75) This saying is basically saying one must correct themself first and others later, but if one can’t correct themself then they have no right to attempt at correcting others. In some senses Confucius was a very straight forward man and in others he was just plain confusing. This was one of the areas that he was straight forward with his teaching. It was very important to him that one knew how to act. Despite his reputation as a charismatic teacher, Confucius makes no claim to originalityâ€â€in fact, it is hard to discern exactly what his teachings are. Why is this the case? He himself did not claim to be a teacher at all. It was his disciples who made him so. He had people who followed him and listened to what he said and this was enough to make him a teacher, whether what he was saying was original or not made no difference. What mattered was that he had a group of students who were willing to listen to what he said and put it into practice. His teachings, however, were hard to understand. This was because he didn’t want just anyone to be able to follow and understand what he was saying. They had to be smart and make an effort to understand. This was also because sometimes he just spoke in riddles and didn’t give a simple answer. When he did this it would seem that what he was saying was completely unrelated to the question asked, but in some roundabout way it was actually the answer to the question all along. His students just had to think it over a lot before they understood. Confucius himself had no desire to be a teacher but because so many people liked his teachings, it just sort of happened that way. What contrasts does Confucius present with the religious figures of ancient Egypt, India, Mesopotamia, China, etc.? Does he strike you as a particularly â€Å"religious†figure? Why or why not? In contrast to the religions of the ancient world Confucianism is more about teaching someone how to live justly. Confucius teaches his students to respect their family and honor their ancestors not about the gods and the afterlife; this is probably the biggest difference. He teaches about what it means to live in this life and how one should go about doing so. In the religions of ancient Egypt, India and Mesopotamia there has always been a priest like figure who would perform religious and sacrificial ceremonies. This figure also had the task of letting everyone know about their religion and how to follow it properly. Sometimes these religious leaders were the head of their country/city/empire and if they weren’t, the leaders had almost always practiced the same or a very similar religion. Confucius was neither the king nor a particularly important person in society (or at least that’s what I gathered from the Confucius Analects). He was just an ordinary man who just so happened to know what he was talking about and how to teach others how to properly live their lives. One could do this by honoring their ancestors and by living a virtuous life. In these other religions, however, there has always been some form of afterlife, be it cheerful or gloomy, and most of these ancient civilizations buried their dead (especially those who were important) with luxury items for them to take to the afterlife. Confucius never taught about the afterlife though. Once a student of his asked about death and Confucius replied, â€Å"Not yet understanding life, how can you understand death? ’ (Confucius 61). Confucius does not seem like a religious figure at all. In fact, there is some debate about whether or not Confucianism can actually be considered a religion. What Confucius taught was how to live a moral life as a human being. He taught that one should study the Chinese Classics and follow a few basic rules of life. This is why he does not seem like a religious figure or to have been a religious man. How to cite Teacher and Confucius, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Subhiksha Case Study Essay Sample free essay sample
Subhiksha is India’s largest retail concatenation  or some would prefer to state â€Å"it was. †Over the past few months. the web of vicinity price reduction stores has been coming apart at the seams. Most of the mercantile establishments are now closed. The company  Subhiksha Trading Services  has been unable to pay wages and statutory dues for the past few months. With the unpaid security bureau staff besides non describing for work. many of the shops have been vandalized. â€Å"The belongingss have become vulnerable marks. †laminitis and pull offing manager R. Subramanian told The Financial Express. The vandals. he said. could include â€Å"disgruntled sellers. employees. anti-social elements taking advantage of the state of affairs. and even proprietors of the existent estate†rented by the retail concatenation. STRATEGIC ISSUES Lack of demand is the major job. †says Mathew Joseph. senior adviser with Delhi-based think-tank the Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations ( ICRIER ) . â€Å"Real estate monetary values are falling. and organized retail would wish to wait until the underside is reached. Finance is besides hard to come by in the context of falling demand and low profitableness as Bankss are going hazard averse. †Gibson Vedamani. manager of the Retailers Association of India ( RAI ) . adds: â€Å"Like everyone else. the concern groups in modern retail have been hit by the planetary recession by manner of a recognition squeezing [ and a deficiency of ] support and working capital. The slack in existent estate has been a large issue. Those who had large enlargement programs had [ acquired ] existent estate earlier at much higher monetary values. They are now re-looking at their enlargement programs and renegociating the rates. †The hereafter of the kiranas caused so much concern that the Union Commerce Ministry appointed ICRIER to make a particular survey to happen out the impact of modern trade on these little mercantile establishments. The ICRIER study. released in the center of last twelvemonth. found that it was â€Å"a positive amount game in which both unorganised and organized retail [ could ] non merely coexist but besides grow well in size. †The survey found that: †¢ The entire retail concern in India would turn at 13 % yearly. from US $ 322 billion in 2006-07 to US $ 590 billion in 2011-12. †¢ The unorganised retail sector would turn at approximately 10 % per twelvemonth. with gross revenues lifting from US $ 309 billion in 2006-07 to US $ 496 billion in 2011-12. †¢ Organized retail. which now constitutes a little 4 % of the entire retail sector. is likely to turn at a much faster gait of 45 % to 50 % per twelvemonth and quadruple its portion in entire retail trade to 16 % b y 2011-12. â€Å"Small retail merchants in India have built-in advantages. †says the PwC-CII â€Å"Rising Elephant†study. â€Å"They are located following to the consumer. doing it convenient for top-up purchase. They know them good. some even by name. They give recognition excessively  which no big retail merchant does. Their fixed costs are so low that their breakeven point is every bit low as 46 % of gross revenues. †The big participants normally try to derive on economic systems of graduated table and enticement clients by cut downing the borders. †says Bhat of Zinnov. â€Å"This would [ necessitate ] riddance of jobbers and agents along with established logistics and substructure support. However. in the current scenario. deficiency of substructure and inefficient logistics services have dampened the growing of organized retail while supplying continued shelter to the jobbers. As a consequence. organized retail merchants have non been able to supply higher value. On the contrary. unorganised retail merchants leverage the inefficiencies of the system and promote consumers to drive a difficult deal. which enables a win-win state of affairs for both. †Analysis It is non merely Subhiksha but several retail ironss that are staggering under the recession. Over the last few months. about 30 supermarkets have shut store in the metropolis. All the mercantile establishments were portion of large retail ironss. that decided to draw down shutters on these mercantile establishments to cut costs. Senior functionaries of supermarket ironss say they are faced with a 15 to 20 per cent dip in footsteps. budgeted disbursement and worse. rents they can ill-afford now. In add-on. makers of assorted FMCGs cut downing retail borders is farther choking the industry. they say. Giving grounds for the deficit of financess. Subhiksha said it overreached itself. â€Å"Expansion without support of equity was the hurting. and non halting enlargement when bank money was acquiring delayed was besides a job. †it said. With small hard currency left in its pool. Subhiksha now has its dorsum against the wall. â€Å"The company is fast closing shops as it is unable to pay leases or employee wages. Furthermore. it has barely any supplies in most shops. †said a cardinal industry executive. who has entree to exceed direction at Subhiksha. One ground for closing shops is that Subhiksha wants to take down its rent measure. â€Å"We are in the procedure of relocating 8-10 % of our shops nationally to take advantage of falling leases across the state. specifically in cardinal metro metropoliss. We are implementing a SAP supply-chain solution to streamline operations and this could temporarily impact shop operations. †it said. Till late. Subhiksha was a posting male child for India’s fledgling retail industry and spread outing sharply. The company’s turnover went up seven times in two old ages. from Rs 330 crore in 2005-06 to Rs 2. 305 crore in 2007-08. Then it went into a tailspin. â€Å"We had expanded quickly. Most of the growing was debt-led. We had built on a bantam equity base of merely Rs 32 crore. and even including portion premiums. the company had raised merely a sum of Rs 180 crore as stockholder financess. †the company added. Subhiksha employees. current and former. contacted by ET said the company hasn’t paid wages or leases since October 2008. There has been a flight of cardinal executives. including Delhi market caput Ashu Phake and Atul Joshi. who was taking the company’s proposed consumer durable goodss concatenation. Subhiksha’s Managing Director R Subramanian said that Subhiksha needs liquidness injection of around Rs 300 crore to re-start its concern and that the company is in negotiations with bing loaners to raise money. He added that the growing of 1. 600 shops and Rs 4. 000 crore turnover this twelvemonth has been achieved through high degree of debt. He besides confirmed that employee wages have non been paid since October  the retail concatenation employs about 15. 000 people. Subramaniam said. â€Å"There have been a batch of arrears of wages that has happened and it’s a wholly cold calamity that has happened that we have been non able to pay because of the fact that there has been a immense inability and an unwillingness to pay. †He added the company became illiquid â€Å"and we had to prioritise certain duties and the payments for employees could neer go on because of the sort of tight liquidness we were over in the last one-fourth. RIGHT STRATEGY WRONG FORMAT OR WRONG STRATEGY RIGHT FORMAT The prostration of Subhiksha presents a instance survey for bing and prospective retail companies in India. The Chennai retail major. which grew exponentially since its origin in 1999. is combating for endurance. despite two investors in tow  ICICI Venture and Azim Premji’s private investing house Zash Investment Company. The 1. 300 store-strong concatenation has scripted the first rise-and-fall in the history of India’s fledgling retail industry. Viewed as a dawn industry. the retail sector has all of a sudden caved in. with most participants either seting enlargement programs on clasp or re-negotiating leases. Though leases are coming down in most parts of the state because of the economic lag. rapid enlargement without a proper supply concatenation in topographic point has added to the sufferings of retail companies. So. was the Subhiksha theoretical account flawed or was it merely a direction failure? The concatenation was envisaged as a low-priced. no-frills neighbourhood convenient shop. which really did work for some clip. But shortly plenty. the boosters. who held about 60 per cent interest. went on an enlargement fling without beef uping the back-end. As a consequence. clients frequently had to come back from the shop without acquiring the merchandises that they wanted. To exceed it. Subhiksha failed to set up an emotional connect with its clients. even though it had built a big consumer base. Hence. its autumn can mostly be attributed to mismanagement taking to irrational enlargement without distributing out the equity base. Besides. the retail concatenation tried to secure supplies against hard currency. which. many analysts say. was irrational. As if this wasn’t plenty. the market meltdown forced the company to postpone its proposed initial public offer ( IPO ) in 2008. The state of affairs worsened in the 2nd half of the twelvemonth. when a liquidness crisis thrott led Indian companies. Subhiksha. which was confronting a terrible hard currency crunch. had to confront the anger of its providers and stockists every bit good as existent estate proprietors. for delayed payments. By so. the neighbourhood retail concatenation had lost its credibleness and image. Today. the company’s laminitis R Subramanian is under fire from stakeholders. who have alleged that they were kept in the dark. Following ailments from Subhiksha’s former managers. who stepped down from the board in January. the Registrar of Companies has appointed KPMG as hearer. Meanwhile. the blasted game continues. ICICI Venture. which holds 23 per cent interest in Subhiksha. has held the direction forthrightly responsible for the chain’s operational failure. Renuka Ramnath. pull offing manager and CEO of ICICI Venture. claimed that Subhiksha’s board did non have audited figures even after repeated efforts. The last available figures. harmonizing to Ramnath. were for the year-ended March 2007. Subhiksha. nevertheless. has refuted these charges. As the company lies in a shambles. what the investors and boosters need to make rapidly is acquire on to the concern of reconstructing it. A positive mark is that both ICICI Venture and Zash have said that they are working on a resurgence program. Stakeholders. excessively. are expecting the following move by loaners. who have an exposure of around Rs 750 crore. and are seeking to run up up a revival bundle. However. the most intimidating undertaking for Subhiksha will be to re-establish the consumer connect. without which no retail company can last. Scheme TO REVIVE THE LOST BUSINESS †¢ After make up ones minding to halt merchandising fruit and veggies at its shops. nutrient and food market retail merchant Subhiksha has now postponed programs to open consumer lasting mercantile establishments. †¢ Reopening the mercantile establishments in four to five months and geting about 2 million square pess of infinite for this venture. with a monthly measure of Rs 10 crore ( Rs 100 million ) and negociating with developers Geting the developers at good monetary values. but August monetary values can non be called good in November given the current market conditions. A farther clang of 35-40 per cent in leases is expected †¢ Fruit and veggies is a impersonal border concern and we keep it to pull traffic to our shops. Besides. fresh green goods retailing is a really regional chance †¢ There is hurting in the concern when you expand and bank recognition is hard to come by. Everybody has to readapt the gait and velocity with which they are turning. †¢ Once you know where you can do money and where you can non. you can set your concern. Thingss were much hard in September and October. Now. it is much better. We will wait for another two to three months to make up ones mind how to travel about it. †¢ When you have 1. 500 shops. it is all portion of the concern. If person pays Rs 40 per sq foot and acquire a trade for Rs 30 following door. we will decidedly switch.
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