Monday, September 30, 2019
Ethnic Conflict Essay
2. Discuss the effect that modernization has had on ethnic identification and ethnic conflict. The effect modernization has had on ethnic identification and ethnic conflict is not a great one. Early modernization theorists, who were quite optimistic about the positive effects of literacy, urbanization, and modern values, clearly underestimated the extent to which these factors might mobilize various ethnic groups and set them against each other (Handelman, 2011, p. 113). Modernization challenged traditional religious, national, and tribal identities by undercutting traditional ethnic practices and values. A huge part of current modernization is globalization, which pose an even greater challenge. The long-term effect of the expanding â€Å"world culture†advanced by globalization are not entirely clear (Handelman, 2011, p. 114). Globalized culture can create a backlash and increase tensions between neighboring communities as not everyone can ethically identify with each other. 3. What are some reasons that might explain why major civil strife related to ethnicity has declined in the last 10-15 years? Some reasons that might explain why major civil strife related to ethnicity has declined in the last 10-15 years are statecraft, constitutional arrangements and external intervention. In addition, the transition to a democratic government has aided in the decline. Faced with common critical environmental, social and economic matters for the previous 10 to 15 years, different ethnic groups came to what socialist have called a culture of accommodation. Accommodation is the practice which contradictory groups make a mindful attempt to make working arrangements with in them which then suspend the conflict and make their relations more acceptable and reduce wasteful energy.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
The Return: Shadow Souls Chapter 23
That â€Å"night†they moved in, choosing the hour while the other estates they passed were darkened and quiet. Elena, Meredith, and Bonnie each picked a room on the upper floor as a bedroom, all close together. Nearby was a luxurious bathing room, with a pale blue and white marble floor and a unique pool shaped like a giant rose, fully large enough to swim in, heated by charcoal, with a cheerful-looking servant to tend it. Elena was delighted with what happened next. Damon bought a number of slaves quietly, in a private sale from a respectable dealer, and then promptly freed them all and offered them wages and time off. Almost all the former slaves were only too happy to agree to stay, and only a few chose to leave or ran away, mostly women in search of their families. The others would remain and become Lady Ulma's staff once Damon, Elena, Bonnie, and Meredith left after freeing Stefan. Lady Ulma, was given a â€Å"senior†room downstairs, although Damon almost had to use brute force to install her in it. He himself chose a room that was an office by day, since he wasn't likely to spend much of the night in the house anyway. There was a slight embarrassment over that. Most of the staff knew of the ways of vampire masters, and the young girls and women who came to sew or who lived on the estate and cooked and cleaned seemed to expect some sort of rota to be worked out, with each of them taking turns at being donors. Damon explained this to Elena, who quashed the idea before it could be implemented. She could tell that Damon was hoping for a steady stream of girls, ranging from flowerlike to red-cheeked and buxom, who would be glad to be â€Å"tapped†like beer kegs for the pretty bangles and baubles that were traditionally given. Elena similarly disposed of the idea of hunting for hire. Sage had mentioned that there were even rumors of a possible Outside connection: a very advanced training course for Navy SEALs. â€Å"And they can come out the world's only vampire seals,†Elena had said sardonically, in front of a group of male slaves this time. â€Å"They can go out and bite sharks. Certainly you guys can go out and hunt some humans like a pair of owls hunting mice – just don't bother to come home afterward, because the doors will be locked†¦permanently.†She held Sage's gaze until her expression became a steely glare and he'd hastened off to do something else around the estate. Elena didn't mind Sage's informal moving in with them. And after hearing how Sage had saved Damon from the mob that ambushed him on the way to the Meeting Place, she had determined in her own mind that if Sage ever wanted her blood, she would give it to him unhesitatingly. After a few days, when he had stayed around the house near Dr. Meggar's and then moved with them into Lady Ulma's compound, she had wondered if her diminished aura and Damon's reticence weren't depriving him of something he should know about. So she'd thrown broader and broader hints at him, until once when he had doubled over, and then, with tears of laughter (but had it only been laughter?) in his eyes, had come over to her and said that the Americans had a saying, no? You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink. In his case, he said, you could lead a snarling black panther – her normal mental iconic image of Damon – to water, if you had electric cattle prods and elephant ankusha, bu t that afterward you'd be a fool to turn your back on it. Elena had laughed until she, too, cried, but had still pledged that if he wanted her blood, a reasonable share was his. Now she simply felt glad to have him around. Her heart was too full already, with Stefan, Damon – and even Matt, despite his apparent desertion – for her to be in danger of falling for another vampire, no matter how terminally fit they were. She appreciated Sage as a friend and protector. Elena was surprised at how much she came to rely on Lakshmi as each day passed. Lakshmi had begun as a sort of gopher, doing the running around that no one else wanted to, but more and more, she had become Lady Ulma's maid-in-waiting and Elena's source of information about this world. Lady Ulma was still officially bedridden, and having Lakshmi ready at any time of the day or night, to send messages, was wonderfully convenient. Too, she was someone that Elena could ask questions of that otherwise would get her eyed as if she were crazy. Did they need to buy plates or was food served on a large hunk of dried bread, which acted as a napkin for greasy fingers as well? (Plates had been recently introduced, along with forks, which were all the rage now.) How much were the men and woman of the household entitled to in wages (which had to be calculated from scratch, since no other household paid its slaves a geld, merely clothing them from a community uniform cache, and allowing them one or two â€Å"feast days†a year)? Young as she was, Lakshmi was both honest and bold and Elena was grooming her to become Lady Ulma's right hand, after Lady Ulma had become well enough to be the lady of the house.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Can event management education in the UK successfully prepare for Literature review
Can event management education in the UK successfully prepare for industry professionals of the future - Literature review Example . Types of event management: McDonnell I (1999) says that in order to be successful in the field of event management, no matter what department of specialization one needs certain qualities which are as follows: Negotiating skills. Creative skills. Convincing skills. Coordinating skills. Planning skills. Executing and implementing skills. According to Royal C (1998) there is a list of the varied events that are organized by the cross section of event companies: Business events, Corporate events. Cause related events, Coordinating skills, Fundraising events, Exhibitions, Trade fairs, The Structure of the events industry: Foley P (1996) says that the rapid growth of events in the past decade led to the formation of an identifiable event industry with its own practitioners, suppliers and professional associations. The emergence of the industry has involved the identification and refinement of a discrete body of knowledge of the industry’s best practice accompanied by a period of rapid globalization of markets and communication which has affected the nature of and trends within the industry. Further it has been accompanied by an era of increasing government regulation, which has resulted in a complex and demanding operational environment. The following section describes the key components of the event industry. Begrudge G (2006) says that the events are often staged or hosted by event organizations which may be event specific bodies such as the Harrogate International Festival or the Glastonbury Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts. Other events are run by special teams within larger organizations such as BBC Good Food Show organized by BBC Haymarket Exhibitions or ITMA 2003 which was organized by a team within the NEC Group. Corporate Events are often organized by in-house event teams or by project teams within the companies that are putting on the event. Event management education and Training: According to Walters P (2008) as the size and the needs of the event industry have grown event management training has started to emerge as a discrete discipline. In the early years of the industry the field was characterized by a large number of volunteers. Those event managers who obtained paid positions came from a variety of related disciplines, drawing on their knowledge gained form that discipline and skills learnt on the job. As industry has grown a lot and government is allocating funds for event management industry, this leads a high demand of professional and educated event managers. Event management seems to be an easy job but without having a professional degree, sometimes it becomes really tough to defend the situation. Students have great opportunities after achieving event management degree. Client comes in a company with raw ideas, only a professional event manager can understand their ideas correctly. There is a process that needs to be followed by event managers for confirming the requirements of the client. Students achi eving degree of event management has great opportunities in market as event management is becoming a bright career for them. Now it becomes possible by the event managers to change client dream in reality about their events i.e. concert,
Short and Long Term Consequences of Adolescent Victimization Essay
Short and Long Term Consequences of Adolescent Victimization - Essay Example The understanding of immediate affects abuse would have, how it relates to voluntary behaviors,howvictimization translates from adolescence to adulthood, and how it affects adulthood as a whole would be the main focus. Being a victim of crime is a common experience for both adolescents and adults. Victimization happens more to adolescents than it does to adults. The outcomes of being a victim of crime tend to be stronger among adolescent victims than adult victims. According to the National Youth Survey study they examined the consequences of adolescent victimization. The survey seems to focus on how being a victim of crime during the adolescent years seems to affect the negative outcomes when they become an adult. These negative outcomes include voluntary behaviors (e.g., committing crime, using illicit drugs) and involuntary outcomes (e.g., mental health problems). The Bulletin begins with an overview of the research literature on the consequences of criminal victimization.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Competitive Strategies. Chaos Camera Company Competitive Advantages Assignment
Competitive Strategies. Chaos Camera Company Competitive Advantages - Assignment Example The analysis is made on all these accounts and keenly canvasses the company on the competitive advantage it gains over other companies in the industry and the strategies that the company undertakes to sustain this advantage. Competitive advantage being key to any business’ success is therefore a crucial aspect of a company and is well elaborated throughout the course of the paper. An analysis of the strategic approach that the company made to compete successfully in four geographic regions is also made. We also examine the ways that the company could improve the important value chain activities it has. An elaborate break down is made of the company’s corporate social responsibilities it has running and justifications made on why the company is running them. The style of making decisions that the company used is also explained in the paper as well as the decisions that supported the team’s strategy execution efforts. The team mandated with the task of running the company did a tremendous job through cooperation and hard work and these elements of the team are outlined throughout the whole paper. Competitive Strategies In order to find a footing in the fiercely competitive digital camera market, our company had to undertake a series of strategies that helped us be competitive. First and foremost, we had to attract customers with the best possible product at a competitive price. Therefore, we made a high quality product and offered it at a price that gave value for money. The company had to set a price that was reasonable to most customers and at the same time offer a product that was of higher value than what our competitors offered at the same price. Capitalization on attractive growth opportunities also gave our company the edge over other companies in the market. The business incessantly looked for growth opportunities in the market to exploit and make a killing. This helped the company increase its revenue streams as well as better positi on the business in the marketplace. It is imperative for any business to find ways of lowering their costs. Through this a business is able to make profits out of its business and our company subscribed to this school of thought. The company constantly looked for ways to reduce the operational costs by better managing the functional pieces of the business. The business that better manages its operations to lower its costs and eventually makes a higher profit, holds a competitive advantage over its rivals. (Mooij, (2009) This was one of our company’s fundamental objectives since it helped us gain a competitive advantage over our competitors. Performance targets are a guide as to the amount of revenue or profits that the business should earn over a given period of time. These targets are crucial since they guide the company on how much to strive for but the targets should not deviate and contradict with the quality of the product. The company always ascertained that performance targets and product quality were directly related therefore ensuring that product quality was not severed in the process of achieving high performance targets. Sustainable Competitive Advantage Gaining a competitive advantage over our rivals was crucial but sustaining that competitive advantage was even of more essence. Our team looked into various ways of sustaining our competitive advantage; firstly improving our product design was of fundamental importance to any success that we would have. Therefore, we focused on producing an unbeatable
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
How Critical is the Critical Period Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
How Critical is the Critical Period - Essay Example Cognitive scientists are finding it important to understand the stages of language development, prior to understanding how humans learn to talk. According to Penfield, there is assistance for language acquisition during childhood which also disappears in adult life, which if based on speech and brain mechanisms, makes it more meaningful to teach foreign language from the first grade on (Singleton & Lengyel, 1995). This was the fundamental view point based on the formulated idea of critical period hypothesis. The critical period hypothesis was popularized by Wilder Penfield and his co-author Lamar Roberts, but Eric Lenneberg promoted it further while relying on the biological foundations of language. Cognitive scientists believe that language and self-awareness are found in the part of the brain, but study also shows that they can also take time to develop with substantial exposure to others (Chomsky, 2003). Therefore, this leads to a growing interest in finding how children acquire and produce language, but one of the most interesting views that will be linked to this consideration is finding the critical period as to when will be that remarkable time for language acquisition. The work at hand tries to establish the point that language is innate in humans and there is a critical period for language acquisition that along the way will be nurtured by the environment and may potentially diminish as the person grows older because of other vital considerations. Language is such a complex tool that humans use for them to interact every day of their lives. However, as observed the young child does not speak the language the way as adult do, but this does not contest the fact that even in their own simple ways, young children are capable of producing a language that is enough for the adults to understand. The very basic of this for instance is shown
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Managing Homeland Security Mid Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Managing Homeland Security Mid - Essay Example As the situation is stabilized and the immediate emergencies are remedied, the recovery phase is entered. During the restoration phase infrastructure is repaired and utilities are restored. This phase may last for years, as the ultimate goal is to "return the community's quality of life to at least the same level as it was before the disaster" (Lindell, Prater, and Perry, 2006, p.21). As can be seen by Hurricane Katrina, this could take decades. Emergency managers place most of their emphasis on preparedness and response. These phases overlap, as the degree of response will be a function of the preparation. This is appropriate, as that is where most resources and the greatest numbers of lives are at risk. Mitigation is often given too little attention, as people become complacent and the task is so difficult. However, the events of 9/11 have placed mitigation and preparedness for a terrorist act as a greater priority as seen in the border and airport security measures. Risk analysis is the process of assessment to determine the vulnerability to a disaster and the potential for impact that a disaster may have. This involves the physical risk that products such as chemicals may pose, or the degree of exposure a city may have to a flood. The location, security, and physical details all are components of risk assessment. In addition, risk assessment must also evaluate what the potential risks are. In the case of flooding, weather patterns and climate can indicate how often a disaster can be expected. Physical items such as chemicals or fuels may be subjected to terrorism or social activists that may wish to create chaos, and these risks are much more difficult to assess (Lindell, Prater, and Perry, 2006, p.154). The assessment would include an inventory of what products were stored at which locations and their potential as targets. In addition, there needs to be an assessment of the environmental damage that would occur in the event of a disaster. Thi s could be oil spills or gas leaks, as well as the release of caustic chemicals into a water supply. One of the difficulties facing a risk assessment manager is that many of the hazards that pose a risk are constantly changing. Chemicals can be moved and relocated as they are used. Many of the products, such as fuels, are mobile. If I were a city manager I would do a thorough risk assessment. I would also enlist the citizens and businesses as partners in risk reduction and prevention. Agricultural businesses may be a target for terrorists seeking to gain access to their chemicals, and they should be aware of the physical security required. 3.) Community Emergency Plan Emergency planning is critical for the management of a community and the health and safety of its citizens. Social and geographical differences make planning for a community an individual endeavor. It is also critical, as the local authorities will be the first responders and have the major initial responsibility for response. In addition, the local authorities would ideally have done an adequate risk assessment and have made plans to cope with the potential ris
Monday, September 23, 2019
International Business - Meli Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
International Business - Meli - Essay Example The firm has also focused immensely on the differentiation strategy. This has enabled it to increase its perceived value among its loyal customers. This is through offering superior services. This has made the customers to be willing to pay a premium for the new services to be offered. Lastly, the company has integrated the value chain through offering door-to-door services. Therefore, it can capitalize on these strategies in order to increase its competitive advantage in the market (Hamermes & Yong, 2012). Meli has performed effectively especially with the limits on the routes that its vessels can cover. The competitors have a wider range of route and vessels with high capacities. Therefore, when putting these constrains into consideration, the firm can be said to have performed above average (Hamermes & Yong, 2012). I would recommend that Tim approve the decision to acquire Teeh-Sah Holdings. This is because the new strategies will open up new routes for the company. In addition, the firm will acquire more assets and human resources that have an experience in different markets across the world especially in the trans-pacific route. This will strengthen the company’s position through reducing the risks and uncertainties associated with concentrating on few markets (Hamermes & Yong,
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Preventing accidents to children Essay Example for Free
Preventing accidents to children Essay One of the hazards in the nursery is wires. To minimize the risk of children tripping over wires, wires should be tidied away out of the areas where the children are to prevent them from tripping up over them. Also, cable management systems such as cord covers could be used to cover the wires which make it less likely that the children could trip over them. The Healthy Working Lives website advises to ‘try to place equipment to avoid cables crossing pedestrian routes and use cable guards to cover cables where required’ (Healthy Working Lives, 2013). Slips/ Trips and fall is another hazard in a nursery and to minimise it so that service users are not at risk you can make sure that such hazards are put onto a side where it is not in the way of children. For e.g. if toys are in the walkway then tidy them away to a side. The Safety and Health website says that to prevent slips trips and falls you should ‘clean up spills immediately. If a spill can’t be cleaned up right away, place â€Å"wet floor†warning signs for workers. Keeps walkways and hallways free of debris, clutter and obstacles. Keep filing cabinets and desk drawers shut when not in use. Cover cables or cords in walkways. Replace burnt-out light bulbs promptly. Consider installing abrasive floor mats or replacing worn flooring. Encourage workers to wear comfortable, properly fitted shoes’. (Safety and Health, 2016) Another hazard in a nursery Weather/ Room temperature. To minimise the risk of children professionals and other in the setting suffering from hyper/hypothermia the nursery should ensure that the setting is suitable for service users to be in. This can be done by nursery staff making sure that the setting has an appropriate temperature for e.g. if its cold outside then they should ensure that the nursery is nice and warm for the service users’ and others who work or maybe visiting the nursery. If the temperature outside is too hot then The Nursery World advises to ‘avoid physical activities on very hot days to minimise the risks of heat stress, heat exhaustion and heatstroke.’ (Nursery World, 2015) Hazardous substances – cleaning products, beach etc. is one of the major hazards in a nursery as the harms and severity are very critical. In order to minimise the risk of this hazard substances and cleaning products should be placed out of children’s reach or placed in a locked cleaning cupboard. The Health and Safety Executive website advises to ‘Use good work techniques that avoid or minimise contact with harmful substances and minimise leaks and spills. Store cleaning products safely.’ (The Health and Safety Executive, No Date) In a nursery Doors/ stairs is also another hazard. In order to ensure that no service users are harmed by this hazard and the risk of potentially being harmed to be reduced the nursery should place some control measure to prevent them and they could be things such as door-slam stoppers or jammer. The Safe Kid website advises to fit hinges with protection strips ‘these devices cover the hinge where the door is joined to the wall. They are a long strip of plastic, easily fitted, that bend with the door when it opens, preventing children from slotting their fingers in.’ (Safe Kids, 2015) Open windows can be hazardous for service users as well as other people in the setting. The risk can also be very severe for this the nursery should try to minimise the risk of children being harmed. This can be done by placing some barriers such as gates around the window so children can jump out, this can also help safeguarding as no intruders will be able to enter. The Baby Centre website advises to ‘fit locks to prevent your child from opening them from the bottom. Fix low windows so that they don\t open more than 12.5cm.’ (Baby Centre, 2017) Faulty electrical equipment’s are another hazard in a nursery. This hazards has an overall rating of 12 but it can severely affect service users, professionals and others in the setting. In order to minimise this risk all electrical equipment’s should be regularly tested, any electric’s that are broken or can be hazardous to people should be disposed of or put out of use. This is supported by The Nursery World website that says ‘All electrical and gas equipment to be maintained and subject to annual inspections. The service histories of appliances should be recorded in a log book.’ (Nursery World, 2017) Medication or drugs lying around in the nursery is another hazard. To minimise professionals should keep an eye on service users to ensure that they don’t do anything that could place them in harm. This can be done by professionals making sure that the setting is safe for the children. Any medication that are in the premises should be authorised by the nursery nurse or it should be a prescribed by doctors. These medication should be kept by professionals and given to service users as prescribed. The Kids Health website advises to ‘Store all medicines, prescription and non-prescription, out of sight and out of reach of children, preferably in a locked cabinet. Even items that seem harmless, such as mouthwash, can be extremely dangerous if ingested in large quantities by children. Just because cabinets are up high doesn\t mean kids can\t get their hands on what\s in them, they\ll climb up (using the toilet and countertops) to get to items in the medicine cabinet.’ ( The kids Health, 2017) Climbing frames/ broken toys can also be hazard in a nursery as service users can be harmed during playtime or when doing activities. To minimise this risk the nursery should make sure that all their equipment’s have a risk assessment done, make sure that the toys in the nursery aren’t harmful to the children, broken toys can be a hazard as service users may fall of them and gets hurt or it may drop on them depending on what toy it is. When children are playing on the climbing frames a professional should keep an eye on them or help them on this activity as they may fall from it and get injured. Toys with sharp edges should be avoided and the nursery should have age-appropriate toys. The safe Kids website says that ‘Useful points to consider include what to look for when buying toys, understanding safety marks and labelling, ensure that the right safety checks have been carried out, and considerations when giving and receiving used toys.’ (Safe Kids, 2011) Another potential hazard in a nursery is the event of a fire. If the nursery have control measures in place then the likelihood of a fire can be reduced. Control measure could be equipment’s that may cause a fire being checked and tested regularly, cookers and gas check should also be up to date and recorded on a logbook. The Kids Health website supports this by saying that making sure all electrical appliances are tested, making sure that wires are in good condition and sockets are safe to use. Fire alarms, fire doors etc. should be installed in the case of a fire and the Safety website says that the three P’s are recommended, they are: †¢ ‘PREPARE – Reduce the risk of fires by eliminating hazards. †¢ PRACTICE – Practice a fire evacuation plan and general fire safety practices. †¢ PREVENT – The Unthinkable’
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Ecological Agriculture for Sustainable Development
Ecological Agriculture for Sustainable Development Siddaraju V. G [*] Dr. M. Indira [**] Introduction Sustainable development is relevant issue of the present day. Sustainable development refers to development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs. Sustainable development is achieved through sustainable agriculture. Food security for the common man is a basic right. Over 800 millions people in the world suffer from hunger which has to be reduced by half by the year 2015. Agriculture plays a crucial rule in addressing the needs of a growing global population, and is inextricably linked to poverty eradication, especially in developing countries. Sustainable agriculture and rural development is essential to the implementation of integrated approach to increasing food production and enhancing food security in an environmentally sustainable way. According to Pingali (2001) many countries across the world provide support for modern agriculture, mainly to increase the productivity for commercial purpose without considering the environment sustainability. Therefore, the concept of sustainability of agriculture is gaining momentum from last few years. The concept of ‘Sustainability’ has been discussed in Earth Summits of 1992 and 2002. The Earth summit offered an opportunity for the global community to address key action on agriculture with a view to sustainability and reducing poverty and hunger, protecting biodiversity and access to resources for small farmers everywhere. Sustainable development has three components i.e., economic sustainability, environmental sustainability and social sustainability. Ecological agriculture addresses the environment or ecological aspects of sustainability. Sustainable agriculture embraces several variants of non-conventional agriculture that are often called organic, alternative, regenerative, and ecological or low input. Ecological agriculture based on ecological principles aim at maintaining or enhancing the quality of the environment and conserve natural resources without using chemical inputs leading to sustainable development. The difference between sustainable agriculture and ecological agriculture is that sustainable agriculture is a broad concept compared to ecological agriculture. Ecological agriculture systems are one of the means of attaining sustainable agriculture. Sustainable agriculture aims continuous increase in yield and greater resilience. For a sound future, ecological agriculture offers a dynamic interaction between soil, animal, humans, ecosystem and environment. Ecological agriculture is economically viable because: Reduction in the use of external inputs and increase in farm organic inputs with the greatest potential to benefit the health of farmers and consumers. More productivity through the incorporation of natural process as nutrient cycles, nitrogen fixation, and pest predator relationships in to the agricultural production process. Greater productive use of the biological and genetic potential of plant and animal species. Improvement of the match between cropping patterns and the productive potential and physical limitations of agricultural lands to ensure long term sustainability of current production levels and Profitable and efficient production with emphasis on improved management and conservation of soil, water and energy and biological resources. The basic requirement in organic farming is to increase input use efficiency at each step of the farm operations. This is achieved partly through reducing losses and adoption of new technologies for enrichment of nutrient content in manure (Sravanan, 2006). The concept of organic farming lays emphasis on economic and ecological sustainability of agricultural system and hence avoids the dependence on chemical pesticides use (Dhawan and Deshmukh, 2005). According to Charjan and Hajare (2002) organic farming is only an alternative, which may not be acceptable on short-term basis, but may be viable on long-term basis, perhaps due to number of issues. An attempt is made in this paper to analyze the economic performance of ecological agriculture and modern agriculture system and to identify the reasons for the transition from modern agriculture to ecological agriculture. Methodology The present study is based on primary data collected from 50 ecological farmers and 50 modern farmers in the production of Paddy and Sugarcane in Mysore and Mandya districts of Karnataka. Economic performance of any system could be analyzed by analyzing the costs and returns. In the present study relative economic performance of ecological and modern agriculture is analyzed in terms of Farm Business Income (FBI). Location, distribution of sample farmers is presented in table 1. Table 1: Particulars of selected district and taluk District Taluk No. of Ecological farmers No. of Modern Farmers Mysore Mysore 16 16 Nanjanagud 9 9 Mandya Mandya 14 14 Maddur 11 11 The above table shows that Location, distribution of sample farmers. Ecological farmers are located in Mysore and Nanjanagud taluks in Mysore district and Mandya and Maddur taluks in Mandya district. Mysore taluk in Mysore district has the large number of ecological farmers and Mandya taluk in Mandya ditrict has more number of ecological farmers. Equal numbers of modern farmers were selected for comparative analysis. Analysis and Discussion Economic Performance Farm Business Income (FBI) is one of the indicators to measure the economic profitability of an agriculture farm. It has been chosen to understand the relative economic profitability of ecological farming and modern farming systems in the production of selected crops. FBI is the difference between the gross returns and Cost A1. Farm Business Income = Gross Income – Cost A1 Cost of Cultivation Average cost and returns under ecological and modern agriculture in the production of paddy and sugarcane are presented below. Paddy Average cost per acre in the production of paddy under ecological and modern farming systems, yield per acre, returns from main product and returns from by product, net returns per acre are presented in table 2. Table 2: Costs and Returns from Ecological and Modern Agriculture in the Production of Paddy Sl. No. Particulars Ecological Agriculture Modern Agriculture 1 Farm Power 6147 5539 2 Organic Nutrients 1957 655 3 Chemical Fertilizers 1030 4 Seed 367 352 5 Irrigation 379 389 6 Land Tax 29 24 7 Depreciation Charge on Farm implements 1018 449 8 Depreciation Charge on machinery 623 603 9 Repair of Machineries 449 233 10 Total Cost of Cultivation (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9) 10968 9274 11 Yield (Quintal/acre) 23 22 12 Price Received (Rs/quintal) 639 612 13 Returns from main Product (Rs/acre) 14697 13464 14 Income from by-product (Rs/acre) 1067 786 15 Gross Returns/Rs (13+14) 15764 14250 16 Net returns/Rs (15-13) 4796 4975 Source: Survey Data Gross returns from paddy produced under ecological agriculture found to be marginally higher compared to the paddy produced under modern farming system. While gross returns from ecological agriculture was Rs. 15764 per acre, the same from modern agriculture was Rs. 14250 per acre, a difference of Rs 1514 per acre. But net return was relatively low from ecological agriculture (Rs. 4795 per acre) compared to modern agriculture (Rs. 4975/acre), because cost of cultivation was higher for ecological farms (Rs. 10969 per acre) compared to modern farms (Rs. 9274/acre). Cost of organic nutrients, farm power, farm depreciation charges are higher in ecological agriculture. Marginal differences could be seen in other costs. While organic nutrients were expensive, the transportation of FYM, its administration, transplantation, weeding require more labour, which is reflected in the farm power. Farm depreciation charge is higher in ecological agriculture due to more use of farm equipments. The yie ld from ecological agriculture was not found to be much higher than modern agriculture. While ecological farms produced 23 quintal/acre, 22 quintal/acre were produced from modern farms. Ecological farmers received Rs. 27 per quintal of paddy, which is slightly higher price than the modern farmers. The yield and price was not much difference under the two methods of cultivation. Therefore, net return also was not much different. Sugarcane Sugarcane is a commercial annual crop grown mainly in Mandya and Mysore districts of Karnataka. Average costs and returns in the production of sugarcane is presented in table 3. Table 3: Costs and Returns under Ecological and Modern Agriculture in the Production of Sugarcane Sl. No. Particulars Ecological Agriculture Modern Agriculture 1 Farm Power 22589 20441 2 Organic Nutrients 2414 861 3 Chemical Fertilizers 3502 4 Seed 1300 1300 5 Irrigation 424 443 6 Land Tax 27 26 7 Depreciation Charge on Farm Implements 1800 3403 8 Depreciation Charge on Machinery 1172 1499 9 Repair of Machineries 500 204 10 Total Cost of Cultivation (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9) 30225 31679 11 Yield (Ton/acre) 52 49 12 Price Received (Tonn/Rs) 989 961 13 Gross Returns/Rs 51428 47089 14 Net Returns/Rs (13-10) 21203 15410 Source: Survey Data Net returns from sugarcane were found to be higher from ecological farms (Rs. 21202 per acre) compared to modern farms (Rs. 15410 per acre). Similarly the gross returns were Rs. 51428per acre from ecological agriculture and Rs. 47089 per acre from modern agriculture. Relatively higher cost of cultivation in modern agriculture is due to higher cost of chemical fertilizers and farm depreciation charges. Chemical fertilizers like Urea, Potash, Complex and Salt were expensive. Farm depreciation charge is higher in ecological agriculture due to more use of farm equipments. Marginal differences could be seen in other costs except farm power. Because the cost of the transportation of FYM, weeding, harvesting and its administration require more labour, which is reflected in the farm power. The cost of cultivation of sugarcane with modern agriculture is costing Rs. 1454 more per acre. Yield per acre under ecological farming is nearly three ton more than that from modern cultivation and ecolog ical farmers received Rs. 28 higher for one ton of sugarcane than the modern farmers. Higher yield and returns have contributed to higher returns from ecological farming than the modern farming. Net returns from sugarcane under ecological farming are Rs. 5792 more than that from modern agriculture. Farm Business Income Farm business income under ecological and modern agriculture in the production of annual crops (paddy and sugarcane) is presented in table 4. Table 4: Farm Business Income of Annual Crops under ecological and modern farming system Paddy Sugarcane Variables Ecological Agriculture Modern Agriculture Ecological Agriculture Modern Agriculture Gross Returns 15,764 14,250 51,428 47,089 Cost A1 10,968 9,274 30,225 31,679 Farm Business Income (FBI) 4,796 4,976 21,203 15,410 Source: Survey Data The above table shows that larger variation in the FBI could be observed in the production of Sugarcane, which is a commercial crop. In the production of Paddy, FBI under ecological farming is marginally lower i.e., by Rs.180. Cost A1 under ecological agriculture is higher by Rs.1694 per acre. However gross returns is higher by Rs.1514 per acre. But in the case of sugarcane, FBI from ecological cultivation is higher by Rs.5, 793 per acre. In the case of sugarcane, cost of cultivation under ecological cultivation is relatively low. It is lower by Rs.1, 454 per acre. Gross returns are higher under ecological agriculture. The above analysis clearly shows that ecological agriculture is economically profitable. It has double advantage to the grower; it provides greater returns to the growers at present and ensures the sustainability of these returns in future by protecting the fertility of the soil. Transition Transition is the process of conversion from modern agriculture to ecological agriculture. After introduction of all necessary changes needed also, it might take some time before the transition is completed. Modern farming system depends on external inputs and is market oriented. On the other hand ecological farming is based on ecological principles of nature and depends more on inputs produced on farm. The production under ecological agriculture need not necessarily for subsistence. The growers may have several objectives in shifting from modern system of cultivation to ecological system. By understanding the motivation behind the shifting, it is possible to encourage more conversions. Reasons for Transition Process Information on what made the selected farmers to switch over to organic farming system from modern farming system was gathered. In many cases majority of the farmers reported that transition from modern agriculture to ecological agriculture was due to the possibility of producing healthy food, environmental protection and soil fertility management under organic farming system. A detailed analysis of Paddy and Sugarcane is presented in table 5. Table 5: Crop wise Reasons for transition from modern agriculture system to ecological agriculture system Sl. No Reasons for transition Frequency and Percentage Paddy Sugarcane 1 Cost of cultivation is low 8 (28.6) 10 (35.7) 2 Health 28 (100.0) 23 (82.1) 3 Employment 14 (50.0) 15 (53.6) 4 Soil Fertility Management 20 (71.4) 22 (78.6) 5 Environmental Protection 16 (57.1) 19 (67.9) 6 Yield 18 (64.8) 12 (42.9) Source: Survey Data, Note: Values within brackets represent percentage to total growers (Percentage don’t add to 100 due to multiple response) In recent years paddy farmers are practicing ecological agriculture due to different reasons. According to selected farmers, more than 70 per cent of the total farmers have shifted from modern agriculture to ecological agriculture, in order to maintain soil fertility. According to them, by using cowdung, ash, farm yard manure soil fertility can be maintained for many years. Health is one of the important factors influencing the paddy farmers to shift from modern agriculture to ecological agriculture. According to these farmers ecological food has positive impact on health and to be sure of the supply of organic food, they shifted to ecological agriculture. Paddy farmers also said that ecological agriculture creates more employment compared to modern agriculture. Survey results have shown that employment in ecological agriculture is more by 9 mandays/acre compared to modern agriculture. More than 50 per cent of the total farmers have shifted from modern agriculture to ecological agric ulture due to employment. Cost of cultivation is high in ecological agriculture compared to modern agriculture, because initially more investment is required in ecological agriculture. After completion of transition (5 years) gradually cost is decreased in ecological agriculture. Nearly 65 per cent of the ecological paddy farmers said that they shifted due to higher and stable yield that they are expected under ecological agriculture. The results support this and yield under ecological farm is more by 1 quintal per acre. In the case of sugarcane, 82.1 per cent of the total farmers have shifted from modern agriculture to ecological agriculture because they believe that it leads to healthy life. More than 65 per cent of the total farmers have transformed from modern agriculture to ecological agriculture due to soil fertility maintenance and environmental factors like pollution control, sustainability, water management etc. Sugarcane farmers also opined that ecological agriculture creates more employment compared to modern agriculture. Only 36 per cent of the farmers shifted because they think that cost of cultivation is low under ecological agriculture. In the case of paddy more shifts took place due to ecological factors than economic factors. The main reasons for transition can be found in environmental sustainability as well as health and soil fertility management. Paddy and sugarcane farmers mainly reported that cost of inputs like chemical fertilizers and pesticides are highly expensive. The results clearly show that the awareness about environmental impact of modern agriculture is the main reason for the farmers to shift to ecological agriculture. Conclusion The over all analysis of the study highlights that ecological agriculture is economically profitable compared to modern agriculture. It provides greater returns to the growers at present and ensures the sustainability of these returns in future by protecting the fertility of the soil and enhancing the quality of environment and conserve natural resources. Farm Business Income from ecological agriculture is more due to higher yield and price. It is mainly due to the purchase of organic manure by the growers. Efforts should be made to encourage farmers to keep livestock to produce on farm organic inputs in order to reduce the cost of organic manures. The main reason for transition from modern agriculture to ecological agriculture was the awareness about environment and health. This awareness is limited only to those who are educated. Efforts should be made to create awareness about two aspects of ecological farming i.e., awareness about environmental consequences of ecological farming and economics of ecological agriculture. References: CharjanY.D and T.N Hajare (2002), Ecological Agriculture Solves the Problems of Indian Agriculture, Kisan World, l29 (7), pp. 43-4. Dhawan AS and MS. Deshmukh 92005), Organic Farming in Relation to Environment Pollution, Kisan World, 32(2) February 2005, Pp: 27-28. Saravanane M et al (2007) â€Å"Organic Production System†Kisan World, 34 (03), Pp. 45 – 47, March 2007 Thakur and Sharma KD (2005), Organic Farming for Sustainable Agriculture and Meeting the Challenges of Food Security in 21st Century: An Economic Analysis, Indian Journal of Agriculture Economics, 60 (2), April-June 2005, Pp: 205-219. 1 [*] Senior Research Scholar, Department of Studies in Economics and Cooperation, University of Mysore, Mysore, Email: [emailprotected] [**] Reader, Department of Studies in Economics and Cooperation, University of Mysore, Mysore, Email: [emailprotected].
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Objective Of National Philosophy Of Education Education Essay
The Objective Of National Philosophy Of Education Education Essay The national curriculum of the school reflects the objective of National Philosophy of Education in the ways of producing insan model. This is because the National Philosophy of Education is a guide and a basis for our Malaysian education system which is being conducted in Malaysia with rational opinions among the schools. This NPE encompasses several aspects such as analysis and implications towards our education system. Analysis of NPE emphasises on teachers which teachers are need to study and interpret its contents in various factors such as religious, social, political, economy and so on. Moreover, teachers have to understand carefully one by one the aims of the programs which are to fulfil nations aspiration to produce good quality students. Analysis of NPE consists of number of elements which is really crucial to be implemented for both teacher and students. The first element of NPE is education is an on-going effort that acquires the transferring knowledge skills and noble values. Secondly is about the development of individual potentials which emphasise on talents and potentials that should be nurtured and developed since in the schools. Last but not least, elements about producing knowledgeable Malaysian citizens who are balanced with harmonic being. It can be achieved through JERIS (physically, emotionally, spiritually, emotionally and socially) by giving full love for knowledge and be open -minded. Other elements like holistic and integrated development, belief and obedience to god and produce competent Malaysian citizens are als included in NPE. Oxford dictionary defines curriculum as the subjects that are being taught to comprise a course of study in a schools or colleges. In spite of, curriculum covers all the experiences includes tasks that were taken from young age until a person get old. In Malaysia primary education context, primary curriculum had faced many changes in order to accomplish the mission and goals of national curriculum aspirations. Old Primary School Curriculum (KLSR), New Primary School Curriculum (KBSR), Integrated Primary School Curriculum (KBSR) and Standard Primary School Curriculum (KSSR) are the great examples of these changes. Old Primary School Curriculum (KLSR) was designed since Independence Day. In 1961, Education Act 1961 became as a base of education system and Laporan Rahman Talib was established by former Minister of Education Abdul RahmanTalib in KLSR (Siti Atiqah Ali, 2010). Laporan Razak year 1956 was established to review back the policy of national education. The reason of establishing this curriculum is to strengthen unity and eradicate illiteracy. Moreover, clear objective of this KLSR is to ensure that all students pass Bahasa Melayu by providing a systematic education. However, KLSR was repealed in 1982 because of the weakness. This happens due to the subjects which were not related with other subjects, emphasis on achieving excellence materials and pedagogy was not emphasised the understanding of behaviourism. In 1982, New Primary School Curriculum (KBSR) was conducted in 305 schools around Malaysia as trial basis for implementation of new curriculum. The main goal of KBSR is to ensure the development of potential, integrated and balanced according to JERIS (physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual and social). Thus, KBSR fully implemented in all schools in 1983 and 3M skills such as reading, writing and arithmetic were fully developed including the solving problems. New Primary School Curriculum was changed to Integrated Primary School Curriculum (KBSR) in 1993 (Hamidah Atan, 2009). The basic change was take place in curriculum and school culture. For instance, local studies were replaced with Man and His Environment subject. The purpose of this subject is to provide students with knowledge, skills and values. Whereas, school culture was included about school environment, patriotism and integration. Meanwhile, development of KBSR was grounded under four principles and they were integr ated approach, one education for all, holistic development of the individual and life-long learning. Nevertheless, weaknesses of KBSR are excessive focus to get A in examination and not to impart knowledge, values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹and skills. Biggest transformation take place in the curriculum entitled Standard Primary School Curriculum (KSSR) in 2011 which incrementally in 500 schools. This is a way to coordinate the development and the current demand for human capital on more quality time in line and sophisticated to make KBSR as a base of KSSR. Main objective of implementation KSSR is to enhance students 4M skills in studies such as reading, writing, arithmetic and reasoning and emphasize more on modelling curriculum to produce quality students. For example, lower primary schools for English subject have four modules on listening and speaking, reading, writing and language arts. Science and Mathematics is the subject which teachers concentrate more. KSSR can describes as a beginning process of forming a holistic changes to the existing school curriculum involves changing the form, organization, content, pedagogy, time allocation, assessment methods, materials and management of school curriculum. Curriculum is actually a guide for teachers to achieve goals and mission that have been stated in education policy in Malaysia. Changes in curriculum happen until now as a way to enhance the ability and skills of students to achieve in certain levels and to produce quality students for nation. Primary curriculum is playing a role in organising activities for students in schools according to NPEs elements.It are very important for all schools to organise activities according to NPE. The purpose of organising such activities is to implement the eight elements of NPE for both teacher and students. Implementation of eight elements is crucial in order to get the perfection and standardisation of curriculum among all schools in Malaysia and the production of activities are conduct in integrated manner. Hereby, it is to prepare students to face real life challenges when they complete their school life. Experiences that students gain from school will be a good guide for them to face challenges at outside the world. A. INTERVIEW AND DEDUCT THE IDEALISTIC BELIEVE OF A HEADMASTERS AND A SENIOR ASSISTANTS ROUTINE REGARDING 5 ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT IN THE SCHOOL TO VISUALIZE / INSISTS THE OBJECTIVE OF NPE. Ministry of Education states that activities which are being carried out in the schools must fulfil the elements of NPE in order to produce well-being students. According to the survey that I had conducted at Tamil medium primary school (SJK T Dengkil, Selangor), the headmaster mentioned that his school is organising activities which gives the of NPEs elements. These activities will be conducted according to primary school curriculum development for little one from age 7 until 12 years. There are two types of activities which are being conducting, one is school based activities and another one is class based activities especially for language subjects. One of the best example is Majlis Cemerlang UPSR (Ujian Peperiksaan Sekolah Rendah ). This program will be held on January every year for students who achieved more than 3As in UPSR. This activity is headed by the headmaster of the school and teachers will be the coordinators of this program. The main aim of this program is to reward students who contribute excellence results for the school and this will be a source of motivation for other students to achieve a better result for upcoming years by being a role-model. Other than that, the headmaster also will give a talk on KSSR and also about the band systems for parents who enrol their children in year 1. This activity has hit the NPEs elements especially of producing knowledgeable and competent students for nation with high moral standards. Even, program like this should be organised in every schools as inspiration even though the schools do not have allocation from government to conduct such program like this. Second activity will be Sports Day. February will be a busiest month for all teachers and students for the preparation for the Sport day. Training sessions will be conducting every evening in order to train students to get the perfections on the activities which already plan by teachers. Four big groups will be formed for students during the actual day and each student need to contribute at least 1point for their group. Activities like 100 meter race, 200 meter race, shot put and others will take place on sport day. On the actual day, president of PIBG (Persatuan Ibu Bapa Guru) and parents are invite to give supports for students to do better performances. Medals will be given for students who win for each and every activity. The implications from this sport day are to produce students with high discipline level and balanced according to JERIS (physically, emotionally, spirituality, intellectually and socially). Moreover, this activity will be a platform for students to nurture their hidden talents and to continue their achievement further. The selected students will represent the school to participate in the higher level competitions like MSSD (Majlis Sukan Sekolah Daerah) which organise by Ministry of Education. On every May, the school will organise a program named Program Maju diri for school prefects and librarians to train the value of leadership among students. Train the school leaders by implementing self discipline in them and develop well-mannered person together to contribute good reputation of the schools. Activities like jungle trekking teach them the co-operation values among them without concerning about the race, skin colour and the status of a student. Thus, they will understand more about leadership and will realise that being a leader is not easy because they need to face lot of challenges and obstacles in their real life. Even, this program prepares students to be future leader of Malaysia in future. This prevents students from involving unhealthy activities which will damage their life as a valuable citizen. NPE elements like developing potentials of a person who are responsible and capable to achieve the level of personal well-being is really coinciding the scope of this program. Next activity is Perkhemahan Badan Beruniform which will be held during school holiday on May. This camping will be organize by senior assistant of co-curriculum for 3 days and 2 night at school and students will be selected from each uniformed bodies for participation. Different level of activities will be conducted to test students ability and their engagement with other students to bond a good relationship with other students. This program is really useful for students because they can learn more about the purposes of joining such program like this and may share their experiences with other students. So, other students will have the interest to join the program on other time. NPE will be used as a base for this program in order producing generation of students with high vision by creating awareness and understanding of the organizational principles which allow students to learn through this program. Lastly, school based activity which conducts by the school is Science Fair. The activity really interesting when found out about the students achievement that had made last year. October will be the month of Science where the science teachers struggle hard to prepare experiments for each class according to levels such as lower and upper primary. In addition, the purpose of conducting school level Science fair is to give exposure on Science world and make up students mind that Science is really fun to learn by doing the experiments and it is not difficult if learn in a proper way. Teachers in this school will guide students to conduct the experiments and rewards will be given for the most interesting and successful experiments. Parents are invited because to give encouragement to students and to give clear picture about students who are being as a Science class minded. On November, the school will take part in National Science Fair which will be held in Kuala Lumpur and these students will get a chance to engage with other students which come from all over Malaysia as participator and learn more from there. According to the headmaster, last year this school won third place for the best and attractive experiment. From here can conclude that, this school is preparing students as a future scientist by producing knowledgeable and competent Malaysian citizens according to NPE. B. EXPLAIN TEACHERS TEACHING ACTIVITIES THAT BEING FOCUSED / CARRIED OUT IN THE CLASSROOM TO ACTUALIZE THE NATIONAL CURRICULUM IN THE PORGRESS OF MOULDING THE STDUNETS BEHAVIOUR AND BELIEVES. Successful learning process can achieve when the teachers put efforts to make engagement between learning and syllabus. It only can be done through classroom activities and it is really significant for the development of students in the classrooms. Lesson plan is the guide for teachers to prepare activities for students and put varieties in order to create fun learning environment. The most interesting classroom activity which carries out by teachers is by playing game within the students for example online interactive game. Students get the chance to play games by themselves so that they can explore the needs of a game which related to the content that teachers are going to teach. For example, ESL games mostly use for English language subject. Students can move further according to their level like lower level to medium level and higher level. This type of game will offer opportunities for students to improve their English language skills in a fun and interactive way. Other than that, game like word of the day create reading environment in the classrooms. This is because students need to bring a newspaper cut during lesson time and search for words that they do not know. After this, students need to search for the meaning and construct a sentence according to the word. Students who collect more words will be the winner and will receive gift from the teachers. This type of activity gives encouragement for students to read a lot to find words and day by day they will practice their own reading independently. Teachers and students are putting their on-going effort for excellent for producing knowledgeable Malaysian which has stated in NPE. Moreover, role play or well known also stimulations can develop students communication skills. Teachers give guidance for students to develop characteristic according to the story. For instance, do roles play about Snow White and Seven Dwarf. Role play is one way of extending the range of purposes especially when students brainstorm to get ideas to develop the sequences of the story. Role play areas often arise from the theme that being undertaken by the class through participation. Students get wider experiences to support their engagement with others students while using signs, props, menus and so on. According to Browne (2009) this imaginative play area will be a valuable source of literacy activities by creating understanding about the theme of story. The schools teacher also states that this role play activity may build students confident level and bring them out from the feel of afraid when they need to talk in front of other members. High moral standards can be created among s tudents to mould good behaviours and produce personal well-being as stated in NPE. Bees activity also being conducting in the classroom in different way such as spelling bee, speaking bee and others. The purpose of conducting such activity in the classroom is to ensure students to use their thinking skills during the lesson time. Even, students are able to increase their spelling and vocabularies level which can be used during examination time. The teacher said that this activity usually will be conducted in language classes like English and Malay. Teachers will come out with a list of vocabularies and ask students to memorize those words for the spelling bee which will be held every Tuesday for English classes and every Friday for Malay language classes. Students can create own initiative to modify their language proficiency that will be useful when they are complete their primary school level. In matter of NPE, teachers are in mission of producing students for the betterment of family, society and nation. Producing knowledgeable Malaysian students in an integrate d manner is conscious. Next activity is named as Lady Bird. This activity specially creates for students who known as slow learners. This is one way of grabbing slow learners attention to study smart and give confidents that they also can be a good learner like the rest by making them to read. The way of conducting this activity is students will provide a text with number of question which goes on with the level like from easy to average and too hard. Students need to search for key words on the text and highlight those key words to get answer for each question. Students like faster learner will be tutor for the slow learners so that they can easily be guided among their friends. After this session, slow learners are able to read within two months and showed an increase in every school test. This has been proven when this school produce a very least number of slow learners and even this will contribute in producing literacy nation for Malaysia. Last but not least, this school also has come out a with an activity called as self-access learning where the students need to do self learning in the classroom during independent learning period. Students need to read story books, find moral values which contain in those stories and need to present in the classroom during language subject. This is more to storytelling session which enables teachers to examine students pronunciation on certain words. Students also can make this activity as a platform to build their confident level to face other friends and also to speak out. Believe in god and on-going effort with high moral standards and responsibility really hit this activity according to NPE. In conclusion, the implication of NPE is really unique in producing a well-being of Malaysian for this nation. While, the implications of NPE on school culture are to ensure that teachers and students follow closely together, realize to give success for the aims and aspirations and basic consideration for reformation of planning education routines and activities. Finally, NPE is very important either for teachers or students to have a very quality education level for all Malaysians students and teachers are being as aspiration source for their students in the schools. Thus, values like honesty, dedicatedly; responsible and ambitious are needed to produce a capable achiever for this nation. The activities which has stated above is one way for moulding.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Children’s Behavior is Not Adversely Affected by Daycare :: Expository Essays Research Papers
Children’s Behavior is Not Adversely Affected by Daycare Recently daycare centers have been in the spotlight because of the argument that children who spend a lot of time in daycare tend to have more behavior problems such as over aggressiveness when compared with kids who stay home with their mommies. The following two points of views concerning this controversy illustrate the divide between those who believe daycare is benevolent and those who believe it to be detrimental to children. This first article concerns the results of an ongoing study given by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development about the effects that daycare may have on a child. According to the Newsweek article â€Å"A new battle over day care†(April 30, 2001), this study indicates that kids who spend more than 30 hours a week in child care are three times more likely to be aggressive, defiant and disobedient by the time they reach kindergarten than those who are raised by maternal care. The study on the effects of childcare had made many working parents anxious. Sarah Friedman, scientific coordinator of the study, says, â€Å"The easy answer is to cut the number of hours children are in care†. However, she also mentioned that scientists do not know yet if the hours spent in daycare are the only factors that may increase the child’s aggressive behavior. On the other hand, another article reports that some people believe that daycare won’t ruin the kid’s behavior. Early press reports relied on the account of just one long time childcare critic, Jay Belsky, out of the 29 researchers involved and thus the data in the study may have been misrepresented. NICHD researcher Martha J. Cox of the University of North Carolina says, â€Å"He is more extreme in his views than the rest of us†. Also, Susan B. Campbell, a team member of the University of Pittsburgh, mentioned that children’s behavior such as demanding attention, pushing, teasing, and fighting are completely typical for children whether or not they attend daycare. My opinion about this topic is that we should help our society make life a little easier for moms and dads who must manage the balance between work and family. Help for those parents who need childcare to find a high-quality daycare for their children is essential. We should keep in mind that for many of us, childcare is not a choice but an economic necessity.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Evolution Essays - Is There a Conspiracy to Suppress Creation Science?
Is There a Conspiracy to Suppress "Creation Science"? Two Works Cited A frequent claim in creationist literature is that there is a wealth of scientific evidence to support creationism, but that secular, mainstream scientists are suppressing its publication in peer-reviewed journals. They are not giving creation-scientists a fair shake, they claim; they are being censored. The fact is that creation scientists are not even submitting scientific theories on creation for publication. Needless to say, mainstream scientists cannot censor what is not being submitted One can begin to investigate this issue by examining what the creation-scientists are submitting for publication. One of the easiest, freest and most uncensored publishing mediums is the Internet. People can post any message they desire to, the newsgroup devoted to spirited debate between evolutionists and creationists. So do creationists submit their scientific evidence there? The welcome page for contains the following special plea to creationists: "To re...
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