Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Gender Roles Of Women s Literature - 1661 Words
The way in which gender roles are portrayed in children’s literature significantly contributes to the development of our youth’s understanding of their own gender’s role and how they are perceived by society. It is important for children to understand gender roles because gender roles are an essential cog in the perpetual machine that develops our society, but these cogs have been replaced with newer, more up-to-date cogs over recent years, so to speak. As society has changed, so has the typical role that each gender plays in it, namely women. As feministic movements have gained more and more traction in recent years, there’s been a shift in the roles and expectations placed on women. Today, more and more women are going to college,†¦show more content†¦This holds true for young men as well, whereas if a boy is constantly reading about being strong, adventurous, independent, and tough, he will assume that is what is expected of him as well. Tradit ional roles in young adult or children’s literature would be roles that often times could be perceived as gender stereotypes, and these stereotypes frequently reflect what is thought of as â€Å"the norm†. A stereotype is defined by Merriam-Webster as â€Å"something conforming to a fixed or general pattern; especially: a standardized mental picture that is held in common by members of a group and that represents an oversimplified opinion, prejudiced attitude, or uncritical judgment†(Stereotype- Definition of Stereotype by Merriam-Webster). However, stereotypes aren’t always a bad thing. In some sense, stereotypes are able to provide a sense of order and predictability, and in the purest sense of the word, they simply are just reflections of societal patterns that have been observed for decades. In literature, traditional gender roles tend to conform to what is the prototypical perception of each gender, reflecting and following the guidelines set by so ciety. However, as time goes on, these perceptions can become inaccurate, whether it’s from social progression or a change in traditional ideals. This is why consistently exposing children and young adults to stereotypical roles in literature can result in theShow MoreRelatedGender As A Man And The Role Of A Woman932 Words  | 4 Pages Many people define gender as the range of characteristics pertaining to, and differentiating between, masculinity and femininity. In modern and traditional society, gender is used to teach the â€Å"role of a man and the role of a woman†. The role of gender in adolescent literature dates back to the first kind of literature for children, oral folk tales. On the beaches of Greece, Homer told the tale of Odysseus. A Greek king, who was strong, fearless and wise; whom traveled great lands and fought manyRead MoreThe Portrayal Of Children s Books918 Words  | 4 Pagesmedia – including books. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
Evaluation Of A Project Report On Perception Error
a project report ON PERCEPTION ERROR IN RECRUITMENT PROCESS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT FOR THE REQUIREMENT OF THE AWARD FOR THE DEGREE OF B. COM (HONS) Under Guidance of: SUBMITTED BY: MS.SABEEHA FATMA PANKHURI SRIVASTAVA BCOM(H.) I SEM Roll No-A7004614080 Amity University, Malhaur Gomti Nagar Extension, Lucknow Acknowledgement This project report would not have been possible without the support and guidance of my teacher. I would express my heart-felt gratitude towards and, without whose guidance and support, I would not have been able to understand the objective of the project and this project would not have been complete. She has been really understanding and supportive in explaining all the details with patience. I would express my gratitude towards her for taking time out of her schedule to guide me during the report. TABLE OF CONTENTS ïÆ'Ëœ INTRODUCTION †¢ PERCEPTION †¢ COMPONENTS OF PERCEPTION †¢ NATURE AND FEATURES OF PERCEPTION †¢ PROCESS OF PERCEPTION †¢ PERCEPTION OUTPUT ïÆ'Ëœ PERCEPTION ERROR IN RECRUITMENT PROCESS †¢ MEANING OF PERCEPTION ERROR †¢ TYPES OF PERCEPTION ERROR †¢ EXAMPLES †¢ CORRECT OR AVOID ERROR ïÆ'Ëœ OBJECTIVES OF RESEARCH ïÆ'Ëœ IDENTIFICATION OF RESEARCH ïÆ'Ëœ EXPEXTEDIMPACT ON ACADEMIC/INDUSTRY ïÆ'Ëœ RESEARCHShow MoreRelatedEvaluation Of A Project Report On Perception Error3545 Words  | 15 PagesA project report ON PERCEPTION ERROR IN RECRUITMENT PROCESS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT FOR THE REQUIREMENT OF THE AWARD FOR THE DEGREE OF B. COM (HONS) Under Guidance of: SUBMITTED BY: MS.SABEEHA FATMA PANKHURI SRIVASTAVA BCOM(H.) I SEM Roll No-A7004614080 Amity University, Malhaur Gomti Nagar Extension, Lucknow Acknowledgement This project report would not have been possible withoutRead MoreUsing Teacher Evaluation Tools For Teaching And Learning Essay1524 Words  | 7 Pagesconsiderable opportunity cost for teachers as well as students (Iqbal, 2013). Notably, in 2009, a report by the name The Widget Effect was released by The New Teacher Project (TNTP). The report exposed the prevailing teacher evaluations as both infrequent and largely subjective (Jerald, 2012). Similarly, the attention towards the effectiveness of teacher evaluation is fairly new after decades of using teacher evaluation tools that have been noted to provide little or no useful information regarding the technicalRead MoreLimitation Of Limitation973 Words  | 4 Pagesconclusions from the research, as the factors could be responsible for between-group differences†in their data. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Teacher and Confucius Free Essays
Confucius What kind of person was Confucius in everyday life? Focus on the following: his clothing and diet, his possessions, his pastimes, the company he kept, and anything else that is relevant. In everyday life Confucius was a relaxed and cheerful man who was constantly in search of new knowledge. He studied the Chinese Classics mainly focusing on the Books of Odes, History and Rites. We will write a custom essay sample on Teacher and Confucius or any similar topic only for you Order Now In his spare time, however, he liked to relax in his manor. He was very picky with the people he chose to keep around. They had to love strategy and the possible success you could get from it. He taught culture, conduct, conscientiousness and good faith and was also picky about who he let in to his school. They had to be modest and willing to listen because he didn’t repeat lessons. He loved music. He would sing in the company of those who were singing. When passing through Ch’I he heard their music and said, â€Å"I did not imagine that music had reached such perfection. †(Confucius 35). This having been said he also traveled with his students and neglected his family duty. Once when his son saw him in passing and Confucius asked him if he had â€Å"Studied the Odes? (Confucius 102) His son said no so Confucius told him that he would have nothing to use in conversation. So his son left determined to study the book of Odes. On a different day his son saw him again and a similar thing happened only this time Confucius asked about the Rules of Ceremony. The result was exactly the same as the first time. This goes to prove that those who can teach donâ €™t always put their own teachings in to practice. Why is Volume One, Book Two entitled â€Å"Concerning Government†but barely mentions government? Hint: the contents of Book Seven may assist you in answering this question. You can’t teach someone how to run a government but you can teach them how to be a better person in hope that they will be able to better govern the country. One must correct themselves before they try to correct others. This is exactly why Volume One, Book Two says little about government and a lot on how to be a better person. Confucius said â€Å"If a man put himself aright, what difficulty will he have in the public service; but if he cannot put himself aright, how is he going to put others right? (Confucius 75) This saying is basically saying one must correct themself first and others later, but if one can’t correct themself then they have no right to attempt at correcting others. In some senses Confucius was a very straight forward man and in others he was just plain confusing. This was one of the areas that he was straight forward with his teaching. It was very important to him that one knew how to act. Despite his reputation as a charismatic teacher, Confucius makes no claim to originalityâ€â€in fact, it is hard to discern exactly what his teachings are. Why is this the case? He himself did not claim to be a teacher at all. It was his disciples who made him so. He had people who followed him and listened to what he said and this was enough to make him a teacher, whether what he was saying was original or not made no difference. What mattered was that he had a group of students who were willing to listen to what he said and put it into practice. His teachings, however, were hard to understand. This was because he didn’t want just anyone to be able to follow and understand what he was saying. They had to be smart and make an effort to understand. This was also because sometimes he just spoke in riddles and didn’t give a simple answer. When he did this it would seem that what he was saying was completely unrelated to the question asked, but in some roundabout way it was actually the answer to the question all along. His students just had to think it over a lot before they understood. Confucius himself had no desire to be a teacher but because so many people liked his teachings, it just sort of happened that way. What contrasts does Confucius present with the religious figures of ancient Egypt, India, Mesopotamia, China, etc.? Does he strike you as a particularly â€Å"religious†figure? Why or why not? In contrast to the religions of the ancient world Confucianism is more about teaching someone how to live justly. Confucius teaches his students to respect their family and honor their ancestors not about the gods and the afterlife; this is probably the biggest difference. He teaches about what it means to live in this life and how one should go about doing so. In the religions of ancient Egypt, India and Mesopotamia there has always been a priest like figure who would perform religious and sacrificial ceremonies. This figure also had the task of letting everyone know about their religion and how to follow it properly. Sometimes these religious leaders were the head of their country/city/empire and if they weren’t, the leaders had almost always practiced the same or a very similar religion. Confucius was neither the king nor a particularly important person in society (or at least that’s what I gathered from the Confucius Analects). He was just an ordinary man who just so happened to know what he was talking about and how to teach others how to properly live their lives. One could do this by honoring their ancestors and by living a virtuous life. In these other religions, however, there has always been some form of afterlife, be it cheerful or gloomy, and most of these ancient civilizations buried their dead (especially those who were important) with luxury items for them to take to the afterlife. Confucius never taught about the afterlife though. Once a student of his asked about death and Confucius replied, â€Å"Not yet understanding life, how can you understand death? ’ (Confucius 61). Confucius does not seem like a religious figure at all. In fact, there is some debate about whether or not Confucianism can actually be considered a religion. What Confucius taught was how to live a moral life as a human being. He taught that one should study the Chinese Classics and follow a few basic rules of life. This is why he does not seem like a religious figure or to have been a religious man. How to cite Teacher and Confucius, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Subhiksha Case Study Essay Sample free essay sample
Subhiksha is India’s largest retail concatenation  or some would prefer to state â€Å"it was. †Over the past few months. the web of vicinity price reduction stores has been coming apart at the seams. Most of the mercantile establishments are now closed. The company  Subhiksha Trading Services  has been unable to pay wages and statutory dues for the past few months. With the unpaid security bureau staff besides non describing for work. many of the shops have been vandalized. â€Å"The belongingss have become vulnerable marks. †laminitis and pull offing manager R. Subramanian told The Financial Express. The vandals. he said. could include â€Å"disgruntled sellers. employees. anti-social elements taking advantage of the state of affairs. and even proprietors of the existent estate†rented by the retail concatenation. STRATEGIC ISSUES Lack of demand is the major job. †says Mathew Joseph. senior adviser with Delhi-based think-tank the Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations ( ICRIER ) . â€Å"Real estate monetary values are falling. and organized retail would wish to wait until the underside is reached. Finance is besides hard to come by in the context of falling demand and low profitableness as Bankss are going hazard averse. †Gibson Vedamani. manager of the Retailers Association of India ( RAI ) . adds: â€Å"Like everyone else. the concern groups in modern retail have been hit by the planetary recession by manner of a recognition squeezing [ and a deficiency of ] support and working capital. The slack in existent estate has been a large issue. Those who had large enlargement programs had [ acquired ] existent estate earlier at much higher monetary values. They are now re-looking at their enlargement programs and renegociating the rates. †The hereafter of the kiranas caused so much concern that the Union Commerce Ministry appointed ICRIER to make a particular survey to happen out the impact of modern trade on these little mercantile establishments. The ICRIER study. released in the center of last twelvemonth. found that it was â€Å"a positive amount game in which both unorganised and organized retail [ could ] non merely coexist but besides grow well in size. †The survey found that: †¢ The entire retail concern in India would turn at 13 % yearly. from US $ 322 billion in 2006-07 to US $ 590 billion in 2011-12. †¢ The unorganised retail sector would turn at approximately 10 % per twelvemonth. with gross revenues lifting from US $ 309 billion in 2006-07 to US $ 496 billion in 2011-12. †¢ Organized retail. which now constitutes a little 4 % of the entire retail sector. is likely to turn at a much faster gait of 45 % to 50 % per twelvemonth and quadruple its portion in entire retail trade to 16 % b y 2011-12. â€Å"Small retail merchants in India have built-in advantages. †says the PwC-CII â€Å"Rising Elephant†study. â€Å"They are located following to the consumer. doing it convenient for top-up purchase. They know them good. some even by name. They give recognition excessively  which no big retail merchant does. Their fixed costs are so low that their breakeven point is every bit low as 46 % of gross revenues. †The big participants normally try to derive on economic systems of graduated table and enticement clients by cut downing the borders. †says Bhat of Zinnov. â€Å"This would [ necessitate ] riddance of jobbers and agents along with established logistics and substructure support. However. in the current scenario. deficiency of substructure and inefficient logistics services have dampened the growing of organized retail while supplying continued shelter to the jobbers. As a consequence. organized retail merchants have non been able to supply higher value. On the contrary. unorganised retail merchants leverage the inefficiencies of the system and promote consumers to drive a difficult deal. which enables a win-win state of affairs for both. †Analysis It is non merely Subhiksha but several retail ironss that are staggering under the recession. Over the last few months. about 30 supermarkets have shut store in the metropolis. All the mercantile establishments were portion of large retail ironss. that decided to draw down shutters on these mercantile establishments to cut costs. Senior functionaries of supermarket ironss say they are faced with a 15 to 20 per cent dip in footsteps. budgeted disbursement and worse. rents they can ill-afford now. In add-on. makers of assorted FMCGs cut downing retail borders is farther choking the industry. they say. Giving grounds for the deficit of financess. Subhiksha said it overreached itself. â€Å"Expansion without support of equity was the hurting. and non halting enlargement when bank money was acquiring delayed was besides a job. †it said. With small hard currency left in its pool. Subhiksha now has its dorsum against the wall. â€Å"The company is fast closing shops as it is unable to pay leases or employee wages. Furthermore. it has barely any supplies in most shops. †said a cardinal industry executive. who has entree to exceed direction at Subhiksha. One ground for closing shops is that Subhiksha wants to take down its rent measure. â€Å"We are in the procedure of relocating 8-10 % of our shops nationally to take advantage of falling leases across the state. specifically in cardinal metro metropoliss. We are implementing a SAP supply-chain solution to streamline operations and this could temporarily impact shop operations. †it said. Till late. Subhiksha was a posting male child for India’s fledgling retail industry and spread outing sharply. The company’s turnover went up seven times in two old ages. from Rs 330 crore in 2005-06 to Rs 2. 305 crore in 2007-08. Then it went into a tailspin. â€Å"We had expanded quickly. Most of the growing was debt-led. We had built on a bantam equity base of merely Rs 32 crore. and even including portion premiums. the company had raised merely a sum of Rs 180 crore as stockholder financess. †the company added. Subhiksha employees. current and former. contacted by ET said the company hasn’t paid wages or leases since October 2008. There has been a flight of cardinal executives. including Delhi market caput Ashu Phake and Atul Joshi. who was taking the company’s proposed consumer durable goodss concatenation. Subhiksha’s Managing Director R Subramanian said that Subhiksha needs liquidness injection of around Rs 300 crore to re-start its concern and that the company is in negotiations with bing loaners to raise money. He added that the growing of 1. 600 shops and Rs 4. 000 crore turnover this twelvemonth has been achieved through high degree of debt. He besides confirmed that employee wages have non been paid since October  the retail concatenation employs about 15. 000 people. Subramaniam said. â€Å"There have been a batch of arrears of wages that has happened and it’s a wholly cold calamity that has happened that we have been non able to pay because of the fact that there has been a immense inability and an unwillingness to pay. †He added the company became illiquid â€Å"and we had to prioritise certain duties and the payments for employees could neer go on because of the sort of tight liquidness we were over in the last one-fourth. RIGHT STRATEGY WRONG FORMAT OR WRONG STRATEGY RIGHT FORMAT The prostration of Subhiksha presents a instance survey for bing and prospective retail companies in India. The Chennai retail major. which grew exponentially since its origin in 1999. is combating for endurance. despite two investors in tow  ICICI Venture and Azim Premji’s private investing house Zash Investment Company. The 1. 300 store-strong concatenation has scripted the first rise-and-fall in the history of India’s fledgling retail industry. Viewed as a dawn industry. the retail sector has all of a sudden caved in. with most participants either seting enlargement programs on clasp or re-negotiating leases. Though leases are coming down in most parts of the state because of the economic lag. rapid enlargement without a proper supply concatenation in topographic point has added to the sufferings of retail companies. So. was the Subhiksha theoretical account flawed or was it merely a direction failure? The concatenation was envisaged as a low-priced. no-frills neighbourhood convenient shop. which really did work for some clip. But shortly plenty. the boosters. who held about 60 per cent interest. went on an enlargement fling without beef uping the back-end. As a consequence. clients frequently had to come back from the shop without acquiring the merchandises that they wanted. To exceed it. Subhiksha failed to set up an emotional connect with its clients. even though it had built a big consumer base. Hence. its autumn can mostly be attributed to mismanagement taking to irrational enlargement without distributing out the equity base. Besides. the retail concatenation tried to secure supplies against hard currency. which. many analysts say. was irrational. As if this wasn’t plenty. the market meltdown forced the company to postpone its proposed initial public offer ( IPO ) in 2008. The state of affairs worsened in the 2nd half of the twelvemonth. when a liquidness crisis thrott led Indian companies. Subhiksha. which was confronting a terrible hard currency crunch. had to confront the anger of its providers and stockists every bit good as existent estate proprietors. for delayed payments. By so. the neighbourhood retail concatenation had lost its credibleness and image. Today. the company’s laminitis R Subramanian is under fire from stakeholders. who have alleged that they were kept in the dark. Following ailments from Subhiksha’s former managers. who stepped down from the board in January. the Registrar of Companies has appointed KPMG as hearer. Meanwhile. the blasted game continues. ICICI Venture. which holds 23 per cent interest in Subhiksha. has held the direction forthrightly responsible for the chain’s operational failure. Renuka Ramnath. pull offing manager and CEO of ICICI Venture. claimed that Subhiksha’s board did non have audited figures even after repeated efforts. The last available figures. harmonizing to Ramnath. were for the year-ended March 2007. Subhiksha. nevertheless. has refuted these charges. As the company lies in a shambles. what the investors and boosters need to make rapidly is acquire on to the concern of reconstructing it. A positive mark is that both ICICI Venture and Zash have said that they are working on a resurgence program. Stakeholders. excessively. are expecting the following move by loaners. who have an exposure of around Rs 750 crore. and are seeking to run up up a revival bundle. However. the most intimidating undertaking for Subhiksha will be to re-establish the consumer connect. without which no retail company can last. Scheme TO REVIVE THE LOST BUSINESS †¢ After make up ones minding to halt merchandising fruit and veggies at its shops. nutrient and food market retail merchant Subhiksha has now postponed programs to open consumer lasting mercantile establishments. †¢ Reopening the mercantile establishments in four to five months and geting about 2 million square pess of infinite for this venture. with a monthly measure of Rs 10 crore ( Rs 100 million ) and negociating with developers Geting the developers at good monetary values. but August monetary values can non be called good in November given the current market conditions. A farther clang of 35-40 per cent in leases is expected †¢ Fruit and veggies is a impersonal border concern and we keep it to pull traffic to our shops. Besides. fresh green goods retailing is a really regional chance †¢ There is hurting in the concern when you expand and bank recognition is hard to come by. Everybody has to readapt the gait and velocity with which they are turning. †¢ Once you know where you can do money and where you can non. you can set your concern. Thingss were much hard in September and October. Now. it is much better. We will wait for another two to three months to make up ones mind how to travel about it. †¢ When you have 1. 500 shops. it is all portion of the concern. If person pays Rs 40 per sq foot and acquire a trade for Rs 30 following door. we will decidedly switch.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Fathers And Sons Essays - Fathers And Sons, Bazarov, Family, Father
Father's And Sons Turgenov's Fathers and Sons has several characters who hold strong views of the world. Pavel believes that Russia needs structure from such things as institution, religion, and class hierarchy. Madame Odintsov views the world as simple so long as she keeps it systematic and free from interference. This essay will focus on perhaps the most interesting and complex character in Fathers and Sons: Bazarov. Vladimir Nabakov writes that "Turgenov takes his creature [B] out of a self-imposed pattern and places him in the the normal world of chance." By examining Bazarov this essay will make this statement more clear to the reader. Using nihilism as a starting point we shall look at Bazarov's views and interpretations of science, government and institution. Next we will turn to the issue relationships. Finally we examine Bazarov's death and the stunning truths it reveals. These issues combined with the theme of nihilism will prove that chance, or fate is a strong force which cannot easily be negated. Nihilism as a concept is used throughout Fathers and Sons. To gain a better understanding of the ideas behind this term let's look at what Bazarov says on the subject. "We base our conduct on what we recognize as useful... the most useful thing we can do is to repudiate - and so we repudiate" (123). The base concept of nihilism is to deny or negate, and as we learn later in the same paragraph, to negate everything. With this 'destruction' of everything from science to art there is no building for nihilists, as Bazarov says "That is not our affair" (126). Nihilists view the current structure of society as concerned with such trivialties as 'art' and 'parliamentism' while ignoring real life issues such as food, freedom, and equally. Nihilists are aware of these social woes and hence mentally deny to recognize any of the present authority or institutions which only serve to perpetuate a myth. Bazarov agrees with the statement that nihilism "confine[s] [oneself] to abuse" (126). "... I don't believe in anything: and what is science-science in the abstract? There are sciences as there are trades and professions, but abstract science just doesn't exist" (98). For Bazarov anything that is not tangible and concrete doesn't exist. Psychology, quantum mechanics, neurochemistry would be scoffed at by Bazarov. It seems peculiar that Bazarov would say, "... nowadays we laugh at medicine in general, and worship no one," (197) while at the same time he pursues a career as a doctor. The medicine that Bazarov uses deals in the 'pure sciences', that is his ideas comes from practice not theory. By looking closer at Bazarov we discover that his work confirms his nihilistic ideas. To explain, one only need look at Bazarov's main focus; the dissection of frogs. Each time he pokes around the anatomy of a frog he notices they all have similar structures (heart, liver, intestine's etc). Humans also share a common internal anatomy. Abstract concepts like authority, religion or science to not naturally exist within people and are only made 'real' by others. Bazarov knows this and his studies confirm his rebellious attitude. Bazarov says, "All men are similar, in soul as well as in body ... and the so-called moral qualities are the same in all of us" (160). As with general science Bazarov feels nothing towards art. "... You assume that I have no feeling for art - and it is true, I haven't" (159). Art is trivial to Bazarov and accomplishes nothing, therefore he doesn't recognize it. It is the same with nature, "Bazarov was rather indifferent to the beauties of nature" (169). There is a saying, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." What if the beholder has no eye for beauty? Such is the case with Bazarov. The point for Bazarov is that aesthetics in art and nature only serve to divert attention from pressing issues such as corruption in society and structural change. These are what concerns a nihilists, not the latest prose from Pushkin or painting from Alexander. Institutions such as education, government and established authority are scorned by Bazarov. "Everyone ought to educate himself" (105). Since indoctrination of the established society begins with education, a nihilist should view education from behind the barrel of a shotgun. Logic is of no use Bazarov, "You don't need logic, I suppose, to put a piece of bread in your mouth" (123). The nihilist agenda, that is, the need for tearing down of structure is beyond logic and is as necessary as eating or breathing. In addition Bazarov
Monday, November 25, 2019
C Copy 11 Essay
C Copy 11 Essay C Copy 11 Essay Attorney for Plaintiffs SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA UNLIMITED JURISDICTION ANNE ANDERSON, an individual, AND ANNE ANDERSON as executor of the estate of JAMES ANDERSON Plaintiffs, vs. W.R. GRACE & Co., a California corporation doing business as â€Å"Cryovac Factory†, and DOES ONE THROUGH FIVE, Defendants ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) COMPLAINT FOR NEGLIGENCE, WRONGFUL DEATH, UNITENTIONAL INFLICTION OF EMOTIONAL DISTRESS Plaintiffs allege against each defendant as follows: 1. The true names and capacities of all defendants names herein as Does are unknown to plaintiff, and are sued by such fictitious names pursuant to section 474 of the California Code of Civil Procedure. 2. Plaintiffs are informed and believe and thereupon allege that defendant W.G. Grace & Co. was and is a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of California with its principal place of business in Woburn, Santa Clara County, California. 3. At all times mentioned herein, defendants W.R. Grace & Co. was a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of California with its principal place of business in Woburn, Santa Clara County, California. 4. At all times mentioned herein, defendants W.R. Grace & Co. and Does One through Five were the employees of their co-defendants Beatrice Foods Inc, and in doing the things hereinafter alleged were acting with the knowledge and consent of each and every other defendant. 5. In 1960, defendant W.R. Grace & Co. opened the Cryovac Factory in Woburn, California. The Cryovac Factory was used to manufacture equipment for the food processing industry. Employees of the factory were using the toxin trichloroethylene (TCE) to clean their equipment that was used in the paint shop. 6. W.R. Grace & Co. is located northeast of Wells G and H within the Aberjona River Valley trench. 7. During the period of operation of Wells G and H, W.R. Grace & Co. disposed the toxin TCE by dumping drums of the toxin into the ground surface. 8. Groundwater from the W.R. Grace & Co. site moved directly toward Wells G and H. The toxin spilled into the surface of the ground at W.R. Grace & Co., flowed with groundwater toward the wells. 9. Wells G and H provided water for East Woburn residents from 1964 through 1979. 10. Chemicals deposited on this site have contaminated the groundwater. 11. In May, 1979, after water had been drawn from wells G and H over the course of fifteen years, it was found that the levels of contaminants were extremely high. 12. Trichloroethylene (TCE) is a potent central nervous system depressant and can cause severe neurological symptoms such as dizziness, loss of appetite and loss of motor coordination. It can produce liver damage at certain exposure levels and cause cell mutations and cancer. TCE can be dangerous if absorbed through skin, ingested in water or breathed in the air. 13. Water contaminated with TCE was drawn from Wells G and H and ingested though the water, air and skin over the course of many years by plaintiffs, resulting in an increased risk of leukemia and other serious health problems. 14. James Anderson was exposed to TCE during the pregnancy of this mother through utero, because his mother drank the contaminated water. James Anderson drank the contaminated water at his home since his infancy. In January 1972, at the age of three, he became ill will leukemia. James Anderson died from leukemia at the age of twelve. FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION: NEGLIGENCE A. Plaintiffs reallege paragraphs 1 through 14. B. Defendants have a duty not to expose plaintiffs to hazardous materials. Defendants have a duty to safely and properly dispose of waste toxins. C. Defendants had a duty of due care toward plaintiffs and plaintiffs’ decedents in disposal of chemicals. D. Defendants knew or would have known that TCE is a dangerous toxin that causes serious health issues and death. E. Defendants’ failure to exercise the due care caused plaintiffs
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Importance of employee performance management Essay
Importance of employee performance management - Essay Example 72). â€Å"Given the current challenges of the economic climate and high rates of unemployment, performance management and employee evaluation is likely to remain a hot topic†(Gliddon, 2004 cited in Newman, 2008, p. 172). In simple words, performance management of employees is a process of getting the most out of employees. In order to achieve this, organizations need to work on a range of factors that include but are not limited to employees’ motivation, continued learning, skill improvement, allocation of right jobs to the right people, fostering teamwork, and providing the employees with an environment where they can thrive with their capabilities. Performance management has probably never been as important in the organizational context as it is today since the workplace is more dynamic than ever before with new kinds of technology surfacing and being integrated into the work setup so frequently. Managers in the contemporary age not only face the challenge of keepin g updated with the latest advancements of technology and integrating them into the workplace, but they also have to take the required measures to enable the employees to make effective use of those technologies. This makes it a continuous process with great margin of trial and error, requiring great knowledge and experience to handle the intricate issues with respect to performance management. â€Å"If you are a manager, the progress principle holds clear implications for where to focus your efforts. It suggests that you have more influence than you may realize over employees’ well-being, motivation, and creative output. Knowing what serves to catalyze and nourish progressâ€â€and what does the oppositeâ€â€turns out to be the key to effectively managing people and their work†(Amabile and Kramer, 2011). Discussion Why is performance management important? Performance management of employees in an organization derives its importance from the fact that it is a way to reinforce the decisions related to organizational personnel like those related to transfer, promotion, compensation and reward, training and skill development, planning of human resources, and development of the organization as a whole (Bhattacharyya, 2011, p. 58). The level to which each of these factors is considered important may vary from one organization to another but all of these factors govern the performance of employees in any organization. Besides the primary importance of the different factors in different organizations, performance management strengthens the relationship between the management and the subordinates, and improves motivation and flow of communication in the organization, thus improving its overall performance. From the perspective of human capital, performance management plays a very important role in the development of the human capital of an organization (Smither and London, 2009). The importance of performance management of employees in the organizat ions is elaborated with the help of some case studies below: Case Study 1 One of the prime motivations behind conducting performance reviews is eradication of bad performers from the organization. This is a case in which performance management helped in the identification and weeding out of a bad leader. Usually organizations tell their managers to establish a paper trial to justify the termination of an employee that is deemed a poor performer. In such cases,
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Company's Changes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Company's Changes - Essay Example Organizational change can be defined as a conscious effort on the part of the management of change agents of an organization to keep a constant watch on the environmental forces of an organization to audit their impact and influence on the business concerned and to find out actions programs through strategies to maintain the balance between the two different forces. The present study has been conducted in lieu to analyze the various forces influencing the change within an organization; the various factors causing hindrances in the process of change and looks to propose an action plan through which the organization can identify and overcome the forces against change and implement the process of change to achieve the desired organizational objective (McMillan, 2008, p.108). System theory is a particular concept that was initiated from economics, biology and engineering. These aspects used to explore several significant laws and principles, which can be comprehensively, implemented acro ss several organization systems (Burke, 2010, p.61). .On the other hand, complexity theory can be defined as the assessment of diversity or the heterogeneity and several external and internal environment factors, such as customers, departments, socio-politics, suppliers and technology. Most importantly, the complexity organization change theory used to focus on the micro-level parts in a complex organizational system. This theory can be applied after the overall outcome and engagement behaviour. In terms of the specific multinational organization basis on the case study, it is feasible that several operational, marketing and human resource problems are affecting the business performance of the organization. It is feasible from the case study that, the organization is tending to expand their business in retails. Moreover, the organization is focusing on the customer development aspect as they are tending to enter in the global retailing sector (Bell, 2008, p.22). Therefore, it is nec essary for an organization to develop an effective marketing strategy. Moreover, the organization needs to implement effective HR policy n order to provide effective business output. It is feasible from the case study that, the organization is suffering from several problems, such as in adequate establishment of marketing and support activities, lack of flatter and virtual organizational hierarchy and poor HR policy. In order to overcome these issues, the multinational organization needs to implement organizational change in order to achieve the business objective. The major objective of the study is to propose an organizational change process strategy and idea for the specific multinational organization in order to overcome those problematic issues. Moreover, as the organization is tending to enter in the retailing business and trying to establish customer development process in their global business process, therefore, an effective organizational change process is importantly requ ired. Challenges Experienced By Company’s Management and Critical analysis Organizational change is critical to the success of an organization. However there is very little doubt over the fact organizational change is usually inflected by various external and internal challenges. The organization discussed in the present context of the study is also not an exception when it comes to dealing with challenges (Buchanan and Huczynski, 2010, p. 221). One of the major problems faced by the organization is of over capacity. Over capacity is a phenomenon in which
Monday, November 18, 2019
Ensuring Appropriate Search Engine Registration Essay
Ensuring Appropriate Search Engine Registration - Essay Example Cybercrime has spread and it cut across geographical borders, creating a new form of illegal activity that undermines the legitimacy and feasibility of applying laws based on boundaries. Law making and law enforcing authorities that are bound in territories are finding cyber crime threatening. It is a new concept and the existing laws are not equipped to handle the situation yet. This scenario has put the nation in a situation, not favourable, regarding its efficiency, sovereignty and autonomy to govern itself without inclusion of other parties. However, already established territorial law making and justice authorities may yet learn to hold back to the self-regulatory wants of cyberspace users who care most profoundly about this new digital trade in information ideas, and services. Separated from common beliefs tied to country jurisdictions, new laws will emerge, in an assortment of online spaces, to handle the wide range of new situations that have no clear equals in the real actua l world. Accordingly, this article seeks to address and analyse the following issues: Firstly, it incisively looks at how cybercrime is being addressed at the international and national levels. Secondly, it revisits the state of the existing regulatory and legislative framework and their quality use in combating this form of international organised crime, taking the European Union The web is fast evolving and is creating new challenges for information retrieval with every twist and turn in the technology ( Nozaki and Tipton 1999). The information archive is growing rapidly and the number of online users interested in using this result is rising at an alarming yet comforting rate. Alarming to developers who make the websites but comforting to policy makers who believe that it is a paradigm shift and that the information age is here for us to realise its benefits. The internet users experience is a major factor in the art of web searches and it indicates that people always use the most popular websites to do their searches. Another viable option to locating information is a human maintained list, this could cover popular topics effectively and is subjective, expensive to maintain and build. It is also marred with slow improvements and cannot cover the range of all esoteric topics. To the aid of the hurdle experience with the human maintained list is the automat ed search engines. They rely on matching keywords and return matches. The search engines make heavy use of the additional structure present in website pages built in hypertext and provide much higher and quality search results. The projection of the future search engine content hold in terms of available indexes is on the billion mark. The number of queries alone is beyond 20 million in a single day for a major search engine and the goal of the developers of search engines is to address the many problems both in quality and scalability. The internet has been a tool of trade and use among corporate organisations operating in this information age. There are about several millions of websites online and others still being uploaded every passing moment. The typical browser at a workstation in an internet cafe, home, office or public
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Summary Of The Da Vinci Code
Summary Of The Da Vinci Code To begin with, Da Vinci Code is a novel written by American author and journalist Dan Brown and published in 2003 by publishing house Random House. It should be noted that Da Vinci Code was a continuation of another Dan Browns popular novel Angels and Demons (2000). As a fact, the book has become an international bestseller: it is translated into 44 languages and there are published a total circulation of more than 81 million copies. The Da Vinci Code has top position in the New York Times list of best-selling magazines. Many experts consider the novel as the best book of the decade. Novel is written in the genre of intellectual detective thriller and has arisen widespread interest to the legend of the Holy Grail and Mary Magdalenes place in the history of Christianity, as described in The Da Vinci Code An Independent Book Review. It can be said that on a plot of the book its main character, Dr. Robert Langdon, a professor of religious symbology at Harvard University, should unravel the murder of Jacques Sauniere, curator of the Louvre. As a fact, Saunieres body was found inside the Louvre naked and placed in the same way as in the famous drawing by Leonardo Da Vincis Vitruvian Man, with an encrypted inscription on his torso. This inscription indicates that the key to the mystery of the murder is hidden inside the famous works of Leonardo Da Vinci. As a result, analysis of such works of Leonardo as Mona Lisa and The Last Supper greatly helps in solving this puzzle. In the meantime, Robert meets the granddaughter of Jacques Sauniere Sophie Neveu. All her family (mother, father, brother, grandmother) had died in a car accident. Now, Sophie and Robert will unravel many secrets and mysteries. However, Captain Fache is from police, and believes that Langdon had killed Jacques Sauniere. It can be said that Robert a nd Sophie will have to prove his innocence. The protagonist of the novel will address two main puzzles: what a mystery was defended by Sauniere and why he was killed? Who killed Sauniere and who had planned this murder? According to Book Review The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown (Author of The Da Vinci Code), it should be noted that unraveling the mystery requires the solution of a series of puzzles. The secret of the Holy Grail location is known to a secret society, the so-called Priory of Sion and the Order of the Knights Templar. The Catholic Church organization Opus Dei also plays an important role in the plot. The novel has several parallel plot lines involving the various characters. At the end of the book all the story lines come together and are resolved in the Rosslyn chapel. It should be noted that the novel could be unnoticed by various Christian religious figures, if it had not had such success, and if on the first page of the book was not asserted the truth of the events that were described in the novel. As a fact, the criticisms draw attention to the large number of inaccuracies in the presentation of history, the interpretation of historical facts, and use all sorts of unsubstantiated legends. Consequently, Archbishop Angelo Amato, who is the second man in the Vatican after the Pope called on all Catholics to boycott the film Da Vinci Code. Archbishop Amato called Browns book: stridently anti-Christian, full of calumnies, offenses and historical and theological errors regarding Jesus, the Gospels and hostile Church, and called its success by extreme cultural poverty of a large number of Christian believers. Amato urged Christians with great zeal to reject the lies and cheap slander. He also said that if such lies and slanders were directed at the Qu ran or the Holocaust, they rightly would have caused a world uprising, while the lies and slander against the Church and Christians, remain unpunished, as described in Book Review: Exploring The Da Vinci Code: Investigating The Issues Raised by The Book and Move. As a fact, Amato suggested that Catholics around the world should begin organized protests against the book and the film Da Vinci Code exactly the same as there were protests against Martin Scorsese The Last Temptation of Christ in 1988. However, it can be said that opposing Da Vinci Code by representatives of Christian church not only fuels the hype of the novel, and raises its rating, but it is consistent with the content of the novel, in which the Church seeks to hide some kind of truth, which is presented in the novel, as stated in Book Review: Exploring The Da Vinci Code: Investigating The Issues Raised by The Book and Move. In my opinion this is a great novel and I like it very much. To be more precise, the novel has dynamic plot, which is based on one of the most interesting historical mystery. It has vivid characters, a detailed narrative that fully immerses the reader in the atmosphere of the novel. As a fact, for the Dan Browns Da Vinci Code these terms were enough to become one of the most famous bestsellers in recent years. Moreover, in America, Da Vinci Code has literally revived the genre of historical detective, giving it such popularity, that this genre works have not previously received. It can be said that for high-performance sales, and many laudatory reviews of hiding bad, there is a nice detective, which in an accessible form tells the reader about some mystery hidden in the works of Leonardo Da Vinci. Revealing the mystery, the protagonist of the book with his head is dipped into historical investigation, the results and details of which both look shocking and realistic. In my opinion, this realism, combined with the availability of exposition and narrative detail, is one of the main virtues of the book. Valiantly twirled plot complements the cocktail, condemning the novel to succeed. On the other hand, the novel has weak sides, among them is a pretty weak syllable of the author many critics consider that the author has a rustic style of presentation. On the other hand, the audience of the novel is so broad that a simple style of presentation has not spoiled the novel much- rather on the contrary; thanks to this, Da Vinci Code is a book that is understandable and accessible to everybody without exception. To sum it up, Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown can be characterized as one of the most urgent must have books of the recent decade. And everybody should read this book not only because it still remains one of the most fashionable pieces Da Vinci Code is a really interesting, exciting and at the same time sufficiently intelligent, revealing the multiple storylines prose. Work cited Book Review: Exploring The Da Vinci Code: Investigating The Issues Raised by The Book and Move. 15 February 2011. Julian Price. 2009. The Da Vinci Code An Independent Book Review. 15 February 2011. Pascasio Felisilda. 2009. Book Review The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown (Author of The DaVinci Code). 15 February 2011.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Students With Auditory Challenges and Mainstream Schools Essay
Students With Auditory Challenges and Mainstream Schools Hearing-impaired and deaf students can better succeed in life when educated in mainstream schools than being segregated in special schools because though they have special needs, they learn to communicate better with hearing individuals and can still attend special programs where teachers with special training can help them in their educational journey. Heather Whitestone, a deaf ballet dancer from Alabama, became the first Miss America with a disability, and Marlee Matlin fulfilled her dream of becoming a famous actress, despite her hearing disability. While many may look at these women in awe, by today’s standards, they are not handicapped. While they may be auditory challenged, the stereotypic disability label has been removed in lieu of a more descriptive, less demeaning alternative. Further, the way they view themselves and the way the public sees them weighs heavily upon their ability to live in a vociferous world. For deaf and seriously hearing-impaired children, many issues surface, particularly when considering educational. For many disabled children proper curriculum is not implemented in their education. Johnson has documented that deaf education largely fails, suggesting a lack of linguistic access to curricular content as well as low expectations. He proposes a new model, which encourages the early use of American Sign Language (ASL). Johnson, and other researchers at the Gallaudet Research Institute, insist that ASL will encourage both the ability to develop cognitive skills and improve the child’s chances to learn English (Johnson 45-7). The proposal includes teaching sign language as the child’s first language and encou... ... Markova, Dawna, PhD. How Your Child is Smart. Berkley: Conari Press, 1992. Marschark, Marc. Raising and Educating a Deaf Child. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997. Sawyer, Richard J. and McLaughlin, Margaret J., et al. â€Å"Is Integration of Students with Disabilities Happening?†Remedial & Special Education, 1 July 1994: 204. Schmetzke, Axel. â€Å"Disability-related Resources on the Internet.†Intervention in School& Clinic, 1 Nov. 1996: 69. Schwartz, Sue, PhD. Choices in Deafness: A Parents Guide. New York: Woodbine House, 1987. Vaughn, Sharon-Elbaum and Batya, E., et al. â€Å"The Effects of Inclusion on the Social Functioning of Students with Learning Disabilities.†Journal of Learning Disabilities 1 Dec. 1996: 598. Wilcox, Daryl J. and Wigle, Stanley E. â€Å"Mainstreaming Revisited: 20 Years Later.†Education 22 March 1997: 371-81.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Community Knowledge Building And Self Regulated Learning Education Essay
BackgroundIn Hong Kong, it has already been a long clip that schooling puts the chief focal point on persons ‘ abilities, temperaments and chances without profoundly researching the possibility of larning through community interaction. Normally merely formal cognition and incontrovertible accomplishments are taught in traditional schoolrooms. The bulk of this sort of cognition is inert that does non promote deep thought and enquiry. There is no mechanism for pupils to get expert-learning accomplishments. In add-on, informal or silent cognition is by and large ignored in school course of studies, though it is every bit of import as the formal cognition. The acquisition aims are besides crystalline to pupils. Students are occupied with undertakings and activities but they do non hold a clear thought about the grounds why they have to make those undertakings and activities. Problem 2: Pedagogical Paradigm Shift due to the Introduction of the NSS Curriculums Since 2009, the course of studies of most secondary schools have undergone a dramatic alteration due to the acceptance of the New Senior Secondary ( NSS ) course of studies. Two major alterations are the debut of broad surveies and project-based acquisition. The broad surveies subject enables pupils to do connexions among different subjects, examine issues from a assortment of positions, and construct personal cognition of immediate relevancy to themselves in the modern-day universe. On the other manus, project-based acquisition ( PBL ) aims to enable pupils to build cognition through developing their independent acquisition capablenesss, generic and collaborative accomplishments. It is obvious that the new course of studies emphasise on the cultivation of abilities of pupils to incorporate information gathered to build their ain cognition independently and collaboratively. However, most instructors and pupils are still non prepared for this polar alteration and experience perplexed about the new manner of instruction and acquisition. Problem 3: The Problems of the Commonly Used Learning Platforms Even though some Hong Kong schools understand the jobs of the traditional permissive instruction attack, good acquisition platforms that can carry through the demands of this new acquisition environment are rare in the market. Despite that many schools have installed computing machines with Internet entree in schoolrooms, there is no obvious difference in pupil larning quality between this sort of computer-supported schoolrooms and the traditional 1s. Intentional acquisition and expertness development.can barely be fostered in this sort of schoolroom scenes. In order to better larning quality and effectivity, some schools in Hong Kong have been following certain learning platforms for about ten old ages, yet they can merely let pupils to upload their work, download stuffs mandated by instructors, station messages to or read messages from electronic notice-boards, etc.. The platforms merely act like electronic information depositories that can non truly assist pupils to larn and build cognition on their ain or collaboratively, non to advert that the user interfaces are non easy-to-use in general. This sort of larning platforms contradicts the e-learning systems suggested by Angehrn, Nabeth and Roda ( 2001 ) . They claimed that e-learning should be extremely personalised, learner-centric, societal, active, synergistic, connected to scholars ‘ ends, supportive of uninterrupted acquisition and so on. Research of Existing Learning Platforms Supporting Collaborative Learning Sing the issues mentioned above, pupils in Hong Kong need a learning platform that can supply utile and effectual installations for them to pull off and build cognition, and larn collaboratively and continuously. The platform should besides assist them to do better usage of the bing on-line resources and manage and consolidate the information they have obtained for self-regulated acquisition. After researching preliminarily on bing acquisition platforms, there are three major computing machine supported collaborative work/learning ( CSCW/L ) systems available for instruction intents: FLE3, Synergeia and Knowledge Forum. FLE3 ( Leinonen et al. , 2002 ) , which is an unfastened beginning platform developed under the ITCOLE undertaking, entails a depository, a forum and a shared workspace called WebTop tool, Knowledge Building tool and Jamming tool severally. The last tool allows scholars to do usage of all sorts of multimedia digital artifacts. Synergeia ( Stahl, 2004 ) is besides designed within the ITCOLE undertaking that provides free licences for educational establishments. It portions paperss and informations through depositories ( the Basic Support for Cooperative Work system ) and forums ( Instant Messages ) severally in an asynchronous environment. The most singular tool is MapTool that enables a group of participants to make concept map collaboratively and synchronously. The confab tool is besides synchronal. Knowledge Forum was initiated by Marlene Scardamalia and Carl Bereiter. They have proposed that schools should be restructured as cognition edifice community based on the thought that larning, expertness cultivation in peculiar, requires enormous attempt and societal support that is non accessible in the first-order school environment. Students should get non-asymptotic acquisition accomplishments, i.e. , learn to continuously accommodate to alterations in the environment caused by others ‘ version. This procedure will invariably do parts to the corporate cognition of a school community, transforming the school into a second-order environment. Multimedia Learning A acquisition platform that can steer pupils efficaciously to build cognition from assorted sorts of information, particularly the multimedia one ( Shank, 2005 ) , is of paramount importance. Van Merrienboer ( 1999 ) proposed some guidelines of bringing of instructions in multimedia acquisition environments. He considered multimedia larning in web-based environments really important in the approaching hereafter as it facilitates distributed distance bringing and combines presentation and communicating installations. He believed that multimedia acquisition can be used to back up competency-based acquisition, and effectual, efficient and appealing collaborative acquisition. The multimedia capablenesss of all of the three platforms literally satisfy the guidelines. Concept Maps The MapTool of Synergeia allows participants to build corporate cognition through pulling construct maps: a graphical artifact that expresses cognition of scholars in a signifier that can be understood easy. The development of construct maps was initiated by Novak and Gowin ‘s ( 1984 ) research refering human acquisition and cognition building. In a construct map, besides called cognition map, a construct is normally placed inside a box or circle that is connected to one or more other constructs via directed discharge, stand foring the relationships between the constructs concerned. The relationships are described by verbs normally. The constructs are contrived hierarchically with the most general constructs at the top of the map. The construction of a construct map is dependent on its context. Concept maps holding similar constructs can change from one context to another and are extremely idiosyncratic. Concept maps can be used to mensurate the cognition of a individual about a subject in a specific context. Therefore, construct maps constructed by different people on the same subject must be different. In the same sense, there is no such a thing as the â€Å" right †construct map about a peculiar subject, as there can be many available right representations of the subject. Concept function has assisted people of different ages obtain cognition in assorted Fieldss. When constructs and associating words are carefully chosen, these maps are powerful tools for detecting niceties of significance. Each construct map allows its Godhead to do usage of a virtually limitless set of associating words to demo how significances can be developed. There are no limitations on what words can be used to organize constructs or associating phrases. Concepts are normally nouns and associating phrases verbs. It is recommended to utilize as few words as possible for constructs and associating verbs. Associating phrases can show any types of relationships and are non limited to a defined set. Knowledge Building Knowledge Forum is designed harmonizing to the 12 Knowledge Building Principles proposed by Marlene Scardamalia and Carl Bereiter. It is a collaborative acquisition platform operated in a networked environment. It can work on both wired and wireless webs and users can entree it via the Internet. The model of Knowledge Forum is cross-sector, cross-age and cross-cultural. It has been used in instruction, wellness attention and concern communities in the Americas, Asia, Australia, Europe, and New Zealand. This reflects that the sociocognitive and cultural procedures underlying cognition acquisition and cognition creative activity are basically the same that are applicable to knowledge builders of all sectors, ages, and civilizations. The 12 Knowledge Building Principles are as follows: Real Ideas, Authentic Problems Ideas are every bit existent as touchable things. Learners are much more interested in existent life jobs than textbook jobs and mystifiers. Knowledge Forum fosters a civilization for scholars to work with thoughts creatively. Improvable Ideas All thoughts are improvable. Learners can actively better their ain thoughts and those in the community if they are encouraged to take hazards without being afraid to attest ignorance and have ague and unconstructive unfavorable judgment. Knowledge Forum allows continual betterment, alteration and theory polish. Idea Diversity Idea diverseness is indispensable to the development of cognition promotion as it creates a rich environment for thoughts to germinate into new and more refined signifiers. Knowledge Forum facilitates associating thoughts in different notes and positions together to advance interaction and productive usage of thought diverseness. Rise Above New syntheses of cognition can be obtained by unrelentingly working with improvable and diversified thoughts. High-order thought can be cultivated. In Knowledge Forum, rise-above notes and positions enable participants to larn accommodating progressive alterations in the environment. Epistemic Agency Learners are responsible for their cognition promotion that can be stimulated by the thoughts of other community members. They learn how to pull off their acquisition by puting ends and programs, inquiring inquiries, and measuring accomplishment. Knowledge Forum offers characteristics like scaffolds that help scholars synthesise high-ranking cognition by utilizing a assortment of epistemic footings such as speculation, admiration, speculate, etc.. Community Knowledge, Collective Responsibility Community accomplishments are valued more than single accomplishments. Participants portion duty for the overall cognition promotion in the community. Knowledge Forum provides an unfastened and collaborative environment that allows community members contribute conceptual artifacts that can be linked together effectual for future mention. Democratizing Knowledge All participants, including the more and less talented, are empowered to prosecute in cognition invention in Knowledge Forum. Every member strive for cognition promotion in a joint venture mode. Symmetric Knowledge Advancement It can be achieved from cognition exchange between members of different sorts of intelligence in a community as to give cognition is to acquire cognition. Knowledge Forum supports practical trials and co-construction of positions across user groups, both within and between communities. Permeant Knowledge Building Knowledge edifice utilizing Knowledge Forum can be carried out in and out of school through the Internet. Constructive Uses of Authoritative Beginnings Authoritative beginnings such as intelligence and multimedia stuffs found on the Internet can be attached to Knowledge Forum that can be acted as the foundation for cognition builders to progress community cognition. Knowledge Building Discourse Knowledge Forum accommodates discourse of cognition edifice communities that refines and transforms knowledge through the dianoetic patterns of the community. Embedded and Transformative Assessment Knowledge Forum allows a community to explicate its ain internal appraisal, which is both more bespoke and flexible than external appraisal Research Focus After comparing the chief characteristics of the three collaborative CSCL/W tools, it is blunt that Knowledge Forum emphasizes deeply on the procedure of community cognition edifice based on rules like improvable thoughts and progressive job work outing. It should be a more executable declaration for instructors and pupils to manage the approaching pedagogical paradigm displacement than the other two. It is perceived that Fle3 is simply designed as a package of depository, forum and shared workspace without important emphasis on the procedure of collaborative cognition building. Refering Synergeia, it is empowered by the notable construct maps that are widely accepted as a really effectual manner for cognition building. Nevertheless, the rise-above and build-on characteristics of Knowledge Forum maximize the learning capacity of each scholar through community attempt that triumph the concept-organising belongings of construct maps. Largely significantly, there are already many instructors rehearsing cognition edifice teaching methods utilizing Knowledge Forum in many topographic points. Apart from Toronto, Hong Kong has the largest instructor community giving excessive attempt to learning pupils collaborative larning accomplishments. However, the instructors who have experience in utilizing Knowledge Forum reported some insufficiency of the acquisition platform. For case, when a instructor wants to read a certain sort of messages, such as inquiries, he/she has to shop through all the notes straight in the present design. It is one of the grounds why it is non really easy to measure pupils ‘ parts. Sometimes a subscriber may desire to hold a list of his/her ain parts so that he/she can size up the acquisition procedure ; however, this map is non available in the current version. Research Aims The aims of this research are as follows: To look into extensively how Knowledge Forum can assist pupils build community cognition. To understand the jobs faced by instructors and pupils in utilizing Knowledge Forum, particularly those refering assessing pupils ‘ acquisition advancement and public presentation. To research a set of appropriate web and database engineering, particularly knowledge and information visual image, that is utile to strengthen the functionality of Knowledge Forum, particularly assessment tools that can avail instructors to measure pupils ‘ parts. To develop a paradigm of back uping tools that can reenforce Knowledge Forum sing appraisal, information storage and retrieval. To measure the quality and public presentation of the paradigm.Relevant Literature and Guiding FrameworkKnowledge Building and Problem Solving through Knowledge Forum Scardamalia and Bereiter believe that a school should be a topographic point for knowing acquisition and expertness cultivation. However, traditional schooling merely tackle seeable parts of cognition, i.e. , formal cognition and incontrovertible accomplishments. These sorts of inert cognition rarely touch pupils ‘ idea and behavior and utile informal/tacit cognition is seldom embraced in traditional school course of studies. Furthermore, in a traditional school, many instructors project their focal point on undertakings and activities without underlying the associated acquisition aims, so pupils are by and large incognizant of cognition aims behind the undertakings and activities they are supposed to make. Scardamalia and Bereiter point out pupils can accomplish knowing larning merely if they actively try to achieve a cognitive aim. Therefore, the current schooling system merely benefits those with high persons ‘ abilities, temperaments and chances, merely those alleged â€Å" bright †pupils are able to prise into the â€Å" secrets †of those undertakings and activities. Expertness cultivation in schools is besides of paramount importance, i.e. , pupils should be able to larn to be an expert-like scholar who processes progressive job work outing accomplishments. It is believed that job work outing accomplishments can be achieved through meaningful acquisition that metacognitive cognition is obtained by agencies of self-acting procedures. Richard and Wittrock put frontward seven instructional methods that stimulate job resolution: load-reducing, structure-based, schema-activation, productive, guided find, mold and learning thought. The first six methods train pupils to be domain job convergent thinkers while the last one enhances their general job work outing capablenesss. There are four characteristics of successful learning believing accomplishments plans: focal point on the most chiseled accomplishments, contextualize the accomplishments within reliable undertakings, personalise the accomplishments through societal interaction and language-based tr eatment of job resolution procedures, and speed up the accomplishments that pupils can larn with lower-level accomplishments. Simply expressed, Richard and Wittrock suggest that general expertness or job work outing accomplishments can be transferred from instructors to pupils based on dogmas similar to those 12s knowledge edifice rules advocated by Scardamalia and Bereiter. However, traditional schooling offers no mechanisms for instructors to reassign their expertness to pupils, so most pupils can non come on into expert-like scholars through reinvestment of mental resources released from following progressive job work outing methods such as form acquisition and automaticity. Scardamalia and Bereiter impulse that, with the drift of engineering, schools should be transformed into cognition edifice communities. The discourse framed by this sort of sociocognitive procedure transcends the barriers of didactic instruction and child/activity-centred cognition development. The advancement of the acquisition accomplished through cognition edifice discourse should be able to be orchestrated and mediated alternatively of the unpredictable acquisition advancement in traditional schooling. In add-on, all members in a school community, including both instructors and pupils, should take up corporate cognitive duty which â€Å" refers to the status in which duty for the success of a group attempt is distributed across all the members instead than being concentrated in the leader †( p. 68 ) . Every community member should understand the cognition required by the community and do certain others know what they are supposed to cognize. In a cognition edifice discourse, a pupil referee can hold their cognition advanced from groking the parts made by other pupils in the community, so it is one of the inducements for pupils to take part in the discourse. Once a pupil makes a choice part, he/she gets acknowledgment and regard from other community members. The desire of being recognized and respected, together with the craving for doing outstanding impact on the community, may be two of the other motives. A to the full well-designed equal reappraisal system is indispensably required and the discourse should be near to pupils ‘ personal lives: â€Å" pupils work together to do sense of the universe around them and work towards progressing their ain province of cognition and that of the category †. The features of a successful cognition edifice discourse are â€Å" concentrate on jobs and deepness of understanding †, â€Å" decentralized, unfastened cognition environments for corporate apprehension †and â€Å" productive interaction within loosely conceived knowledge-building communities †( p.274 ) . Technology plays a critical function in carry throughing a successful cognition edifice discourse. Knowledge Forum and its former version, Computer-Supported Intentional Learning Environment ( CSILE ) , have a community database at the Centre of a schoolroom discourse. Students ‘ thoughts can be extended to a broader cognition edifice community if necessary. In the discourse environment, pupils act as both writers and referees who can lend their thoughts by making text or graphical notes, hunt bing notes, and form notes into more complex informational constructions. Auto-notification through electronic mails will be sent to writers when others comment on their notes. The note-writing environments are specially designed for participants to specify enquiries as jobs alternatively of subjects. Discourses are carried out through saying theories and information for progressing theories. The scaffold map provides participants with phrases refering cognitive procedures, such as â€Å" I need to understand †, â€Å" My theory †, â€Å" A better theory †, â€Å" This theory can non explicate †, â€Å" Put our cognition together †, to call a few, that help participants contour discourses. The frequent usage of these theory-building footings can assist scholars tackle expert-like acquisition accomplishments that can be employed in their day-to-day lives. Knowledge Forum and CSILE besides pinpoint intentionality as scholars deliberately submit jobs of what they require to understand and asseverate justifications for linked attached. The knowing scholars can larn how to do determinations and deploy diag nostic procedures. Knowledge Forum and CSILE render a decentralized and unfastened discourse environment that reverses â€Å" the instructor initiates, pupil responds, teacher evaluates form for unwritten and written discourse †. By using a distributed theoretical account, information fluxing between participants is non audited by a cardinal authorization. Since different pupils possess different sorts of cognition, the cognition exchanges can be really productive. Students of different ages and abilities can take portion in the same discourse. Students with better viva voce or written linguistic communication accomplishments can non rule the discourse as the other pupils can border their thought by pulling diagrams or edifice on information in others ‘ notes or external resources. Those who are non familiar with the subject can lend to the community by inquiring inquiries and composing contemplations. The inefficient turn-tasking job in normal schoolroom treatments is automatically elimi nated as discourses in Knowledge Forum are held asynchronously over a computing machine web or the Internet. Students can compose their statements at any coveted clip and have all the clip they want to explicate the statements, without force per unit area like that happened in an unwritten treatment. This encourages pupils to print independent idea and polish their ain thoughts and those in the community, ensuing in progressive self-acting acquisition and job work outing preparation. Information / Knowledge Visualisation Some users reported that the current design of Knowledge Forum is non really intuitive to utilize, particularly for complex undertakings and ill-structured capable affairs. The new coevals of knowledge/information visual image engineering seems to be an effectual solution. The purpose of information visual image is to supply knowledge-based entree to information resources and aid users in doing sense of the resources they are looking for during information retrieval. On the other manus, the end of cognition visual image is to help pupils in acquisition and job resolution by supplying tools to further externalised knowledge. There are many good practiced information visual image techniques available, such as landscape metaphors, cartograms, ticket clouds, etc.. Some pedagogues claim that these techniques can assist users understand the information better. In the context of cognition building, apprehension of information is non sufficient, pupils need to be exposed to the information in different ways and be able to lucubrate a personal experience from it. Some other similar tools using visual image techniques have besides been developed in recent old ages, like Topic Maps Strand Map, VisIT ( Visualization of Information Tool ) , Model-It, Microworlds, etc.. Some web hunt engines even implement explorative hunts with the aid of information visual image techniques to polish user hunt questions. Users can now transport out explorative hunts on the WWW through consecutive loops on the ocular interfaces of these tools. Examples are KartOO, UJIKO, Crokker, Simploos, Quintura, oSkope, News Map, etc.. It is evident that educational tools using cognition visual image engineering can help pupils in undertaking topics like broad surveies to a great extent as this sort of topics require pupils to larn from resources in assorted subjects and develop capacities to construction and organize their cognition and acquisition stuffs for effectual learning direction, non to advert that cognition from different topics and spheres is complex, interconnected and ill-structured in a complex mode.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Humans Screwed Up essays
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Analysis Of Comunication Skill Example
Analysis Of Comunication Skill Example Analysis Of Comunication Skill – Coursework Example Analysis of Communication skills Effective communication is particularly vital in politics and policy. There is a story once told of a high-school student who asked a politician what she needed to study to become a politician and the politician responded by telling him that all she needed is to study and understand English. Politics of making a significant contribution to the lives of people succeeds only if an individual makes himself/herself understood. The two most significant communications skills in politics and policy are the ability to speak clearly and ability to persuade (Mason et al., 2011). In almost all instances, an audience is least interested in listening to a speech that is read than delivered in a manner that is clear and a spur-of-the-moment. It is essential for an individual to have well thought out words and speak clearly (Nannini, 2009). Slurring words and letting words fade would make it difficult for the audience to hear the priority issues on child obesity. Sp eaking clearly would show the congressmen that an individual is confident with what he or she is talking about and would believe what he or she has to say. The ability to persuade forms part of communication skills that are essential in politics and policy. The ability to persuade is possibly the most significant aspect of an effective communication (Nannini, 2009). When talking to Congressmen, it would not be worth the time to command them to implement the priority issues in childhood obesity. By engaging the congressmen in the speech or communication, creates personal relationships and it is easy to persuade them on the issues that one has to present. Notably, it is essential to apprehend that the secret to policy and politics is effective communication, not just notching a few rhetorical points. ReferencesMason, D. J., Leavitt, J. K., & Chaffee, M. W. (Eds.) (2011). Policy & politics in nursing and healthcare (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier.Nannini, A. (2009). The hea lth policy pathfinder: An innovative strategy to explore interest group politics. Journal of Nursing Education, 48(10), 588–591. doi:10.3928/0148483420090828-03.
Monday, November 4, 2019
The Musicals History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The Musicals History - Essay Example It became a very popular genre in American cinema. Production houses making musical films sprouted and soon it was a thriving industry. Warner Bros' The Jazz Singer in 1927 was among the first musicals that deviated from mere entertainment to a strong statement. Along with the strong appeal of music in the film, the narrative struck a chord with the Americans. This was a story of a young Jewish musician who breaks with his father and runs away to pursue his dream and emerges a roaring jazz singer. This was the time when jazz singing was not entirely free of stigma as its origins (in late nineteenth century) were believed to have been the brothels of New Orleans that provided music dancing as well as sex (A Passion for Jazz Musical History and Education The American movie-goers lapped it up. In a way it also helped jazz singing come out of the shadows it was under. This reflected an eagerness in the public mind to through off the shackles of genteel society and explore new frontiers of morality. Warner Bros' success spurned it on as one of the leading production houses of America. There was good deal of money involved and it soon incorporated a rigid structure in its functioning churning out films that grossed more than anything before. It had on its rolls a regular list of directors who were dedicated to the studio and picked up directing positions by turns. In order to curtail budget of the dazzling lights and costumes that were the hallmarks of musicals, there was a special technique adopted at this studio, low flat lighting concealed the not so flashy costumes. Busby Berkeley was one of these directors. There were three films that were released in quick succession in 1933 by Warner Bros, all three choreographed by this man, 42nd Street, Gold Diggers of 1933 and Footlight Parade. These musicals are considered to be milestones both in American cinema as well as in the musical scenario per se. So what was behind their spectacular success This period is considered as one of the darkest in American History, the Great Depression. With large scale unemployment reigning across the country, the mood was indeed sombre. The American people had started questioning the virtues of hard-core capitalism on the political front as well as the prevailing codes of morality.The public yearned for strong leadership, someone who show them the way out of the economic mess. The release of the three Berkeley films coincided with the coming of Roosevelt as the new American President. He brought in the New Deal encompassing a range of economic reforms. He was a champion of liberalism and also a hero to the diverse ethnic communities like the Afro-Americans, Jews etc. To the common man he sold the virtues of honesty, hard work, and justice. Although musicals were being written off as 'escapist' entertainment by critics, there were certain elements that were born out of the prevailing spirit of that time, virtues that fed the public disposition. "Mark Roth puts forward a simil ar theory; he notes
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Blakley and Johnson Revised Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Blakley and Johnson Revised - Essay Example It can be justifiably asserted therefore that a combination of digital technologies and internet usage enables millions of people in the world rapid access of various information than any historical library, allowing people to be an innovative and creators in their own perspective. The collaborative and shared platform brought about by digitization elicits different reactions. On one hand, proponents of the idea strongly suggest that it has transformed how people share and create information, creating a platform for product innovation and how people â€Å"own†and â€Å"copy†information. On the other hand however, Governments and technological companies view low restrictions placed on IP as a potential threat to cloud computing and mobile technologies. Blakley’s model of open copyrights provides enlightening information on IP rights from a business perspective. Her elaborate ideas of the phases of technology in determining the information to be copyright protect ed and subsequent elements in ownership from a fashion industry offers additional insights into technological innovations and the kind of ownership required in a digitized economy. (Blakely) At the same time, Johnson Steven’s â€Å"Where Good Ideas come from†examines the origin of innovative ideas from a historical perspective. In his analysis of the origin of great innovative ideas, Stephen starts his journey from London’s Coffee House â€Å"Liquid Networks†through Darwinian slow ideas of the revolution towards today’s highly technological creations brought about by the internet and the world wide web. (Johnson) The concept of ownership infers having control over any form of a thing, or an idea. Sharing on the other hand implies that other persons have access to the idea or object, and can even incorporate new ideas into the existing idea to come up with a modified version. Usually, the association between ownership and balancing is often achiev ed when a person has the ability to appreciate an object or an idea without having to ask who controls the idea or object. It therefore implies that both parties derive benefits from the shared item and non existence of role confusion while enjoying that idea or creation. The balance and concept of ownership are often easily understood when referring to tangible assets like objects and things as opposed to intangible issues like ideas. There exist various issues surrounding the sharing of information and innovation and pragmatic issues of copyrights. In essence, proponents of the open creation or low IP suggests that the success of an innovation depends whether an innovation is shared by the creator, and the achievement of equilibrium is largely dependent on voluntary sharing by the owner of the idea. While supporting this theory, Johana Blakely offers insightful information into the sharing of ownership ideas. She relates the success stories from the fashion industry where the sect or has recorded tremendous gains from sharing of fashion ideas. She further argues that the sharing platform as witnessed in the fashion industry enables all fashion designers to share and enable them to incorporate other people’s ideas into their creations. The fashion industry does not have any copyright law for these ideas. The success in this approach presents high gross sales in sectors that have low IP protection as
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